Ladies and gentlemen, I need some serious advice on how to proceed - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen, I need some serious advice on how to proceed with the following problems: First (this one pales in comparison to the next issue, but still needs to be addressed), I have a player who I believe is knowingly cheating on his character sheet and die rolls. Hes taking archetypes that he is not eligible to take (hes an Investigator/Arcanist taking Magus archetypes), using abilities that he does not have (using the Arcanist Blade Adept Spellstrike exploit without having taken it), and taking feats that he does not have the prerequisites for (Dimensional Agility without being able to cast Dimension Door or having the abundant step class trait). There are several other minor things that hes doing (fudging die rolls on his oddly-marked dice set, adding in random armor bonuses, using investigator and arcanist points for things that they should not be used for). The guy is a seasoned D&D/Pathfinder player, and is a real rules lawyer at times, but is making massive mistakes that youd not expect from a seasoned vet. Its pretty obvious that hes doing all of this on purpose. How would you guys approach this first issue in a way that lets him know you want him to stay with the group, but that he needs to follow the rules? Second, and this is really the big one. Ugh... we have a guy who is a fantastic role player and gamer, and is very fun to hang out with. The problem is, he joined our group after finding us on a forum post about three months ago. It turns out that this past weekend, he stole one of my credit cards and tried to spend about $300. Obviously hes broken the law, but what would you guys do if one of your newer players did this? Im upset at the prospect of losing such a great PC and player, but obviously justified in wanting to either press charges or knock him out. What would you guys do in this situation? Any advice is appreciated.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:22:25 +0000

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