Ladies and gentlemen, Thieves, and corruption’s legacy was not - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen, Thieves, and corruption’s legacy was not what we vanished more than 1.5 million lives from Ayanya one’s generation to SPLA/SPLM’s generation. We fought against Khartoum regime assiduously so that we must live in a free society where all man and woman must perused happiness and liberty. We want to live in a society where all man and women would celebrate and cherish humanity and worship true God, love one another and care for their loves one. The legacy of stealing and corruption has no base in any society. People don’t like thieves that why there is a law in any society. Stealing public treasure or other people properties does not mean you are clever or strong but that is a diminish mindset. One enjoys stolen things in a short time but when you get caught of stealing other fellow’s asset, you always paid back with regret at the end of the day. We Southern Sudanese who are mature academically, physically and spiritually must not tolerate stealing. We must work together, speak loud, denounce it publically and tell our leaders we are better than this. I know we can do better. For those who response deleteriously with abusive etymological and threat to someone’s expression are no less than self-styled thugs and thieves that will bring this country down to its knees. No way and no how would we cherish stealing? “The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.” (Joe Houldsworth). Larceny and corruption is not what we must be proud of in our nation. We are awake; nobody is sleeping any more. Who would buy pseudo literacy or stereotyped whims of calling someone who is over 18 years a child or Son of a women? If you are a true patriotic Southern Sudanese, having an academic credential than you should and must know your history. Proved to others you are good citizen who want this nation to be prospered among other African nations. How many years have we fought for these 2 years and half African State which is now institute in the 21st century? Teach your children to abolish stealing, respect others, love one another and must preserve and care for this nation to be among African proud nations than hatred and stealing mindset that make us doom in an eyes of our enemies. We are all proud today, to have a country where all men and women must have an identity, equality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and rule of law that must be apply to treat everyone right with his or her dignity regardless of race, ethnicity or creed. “Nobody is above the law” (Roosevelt). This nation is advanced with fruitful generations, a generation that distinguishes what is veracious and erroneous. This nation was cemented with million lives, buried in unknown forest, hills and valley where bloods, skulls are found everywhere on the mountains, rivers and deserts. The Fallen Soldiers did not give their lives for stealing and corruption. The fallen SPLA soldiers and comrade did not die in vain. The Fallen comrade did that so that you must see the beauty of humanity, to celebrate life and liberty for all. We must condemn stealing is not a way forward to lead our society. We must lead with good examples. We must correct, stealing and corruption is not the way to govern and prosper. “No people is fully civilized where a distinction is drawn between stealing and office and stealing a purse” Roosevelt American US president (1901). We can do better.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 21:08:35 +0000

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