Ladies and gentlemen, as admin of this page, I wish to appeal to - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen, as admin of this page, I wish to appeal to your sense of fair play and justice. Last night was a disaster, a total and unmitigated disaster. - But now, we must look to the 2017 election if we want our nation back. - What we must do, what we must ALL do is simple, we must all redouble our efforts to get John Key out. But to do that, we must all fight smarter. - Posting to this page is always good, but lets face it, we are preaching to the converted, those that NEED to be educated are not here, well, not many of them are here, but we must take our message and go out and educate the people, slowly at first, but with more determination and fire the closer we get to 2017 lest we burn ourselves out. - This page will no longer allow minor minor parties to post propaganda, we must stay focussed on the REAL left wing parties, of which only FOUR matter... Labour, Greens, NZ1st and... if he ditches Kim Dotcom, Mana! - This page will no longer allow people with their own agendas to post propaganda as to how John Key screwed them... sorry if this offends you, but this will be no place for self serving conspiracy theories. - We *MUST* stay focussed. - Yes, we share information, but we take that information and spread it among those that voted for the right wing parties, THEY are the ones we need to convince, not ourselves and our message will NOT be distracted by petty, and being honest, bullshit.... anymore. Our message is simple, John Key is not worthy to be Prime Minister, National is not worthy to be leading us... THAT is our message, THAT is what we will be aiming for. - To all those that have supported this page, Thank you, you are the warriors the left is now counting on to regain its mana, its respect and its rightful place in 2017... without you, we will be doomed. - Initially... we can all cry over our cups of coffee, but then, the hard work starts. First, we need to get as many members as possible to join us for the fight ahead, and then the real work starts. We fight harder, we fight smarter and we stay true to ourselves. - Thanks for reading. - Henk Van Helmond
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:06:50 +0000

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