Ladies and gentlemen, the most dishonest political hack in the - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen, the most dishonest political hack in the United States Congress Harry Reid going all Harry Reid is legendary. Whether he’s lying about Mitt Romney’s taxes, ObamaCare, or the (evil) Koch brothers, Harry is Harry. (Whether or not he’s in the early stages of dementia is another topic for another time.) Anyway, in anticipation of Barack Obama’s “grand reveal” on prime-time TV tonight of his hastily-crafted (not to mention politically-motivated) strategery on confronting ISIS, Harry dropped a beaut: “The president knows how to destroy terrorists.” He does? Harry, dude, he knows how to lie about destroying terrorists: “Al Qaeda is on the run.” “Al Qaeda has been decimated.” “The war on terror is over.” So, Harry wasn’t finished opening his mouth to change feet: “Airstrikes and strategic use of drones and, of course, covert action are the most effective way to take out [Islamic State] without committing troops — American troops — troops in harms way.” Of course, no war has ever been won by airstrikes alone. But Harry, like I said, is Harry: “So I support President Obama’s decision not to send in ground troops.” Of course, Obama could say that his strategy to defeat ISIS is to stand on his head in the corner and spit nickles, and Harry would be all over supporting it like white on rice. Harry’s blind (political) devotion to Obama is awesome, by the way, given that O “speaks with no noticeable negro dialect.” (Harry’s words, not mine.) Harry Reid: #jackass
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:53:07 +0000

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