Ladies and gentlemen, this is Dear Insanity, our newest - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen, this is Dear Insanity, our newest material. As an important feature we would like to announce mr. Evander Sinque from Who Dies In Siberian Slush as guest vocalist and we would like to thank him for his participation. Also we have had two friends who have participated to writing the material, mr. Déhà from Imber Luminis, Vaer etc and mr Xander Cozaciuc from romanian doom metal band Descend into Despair whom we would also like to thank. Big shouts go to Nico Kaotoxin at Kaotoxin. John Tyrell for the audio producing, Giannis Nakos of Remedy Art Design for being an absolute star and created our beautiful cover, to all our friends who have supported us throughout our journey and to Terrorizer for premiering Dear Insanity. Everyone, enjoy it, and share it around!! Insanity is here!! Pre-order now at kaotoxin/shop
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:06:44 +0000

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