Ladies, did you know that the enemy is in combat with you daily - TopicsExpress


Ladies, did you know that the enemy is in combat with you daily – A war has been waged over your soul! If he can’t take your salvation, he SURE wants to take you destiny! One of the easiest ways for him to do that is to detour God’s daughters through our purity! Young single women—the battle is on! Let’s win! Life is lived out in the midst of spiritual battle…that’s a fact! We were bought with a price—we are redeemed. Don’t allow the LIES of the enemy to rob you of your destiny! Remember, the mind is the entry point for the enemy…You have to renew your mind daily! If the soft fertile ground of a woman’s identity is not formed and shaped, it makes an easy access point for the enemy to lie to you. In the moment of temptation, that place of insecurity will be targeted. John McArthur said “Every temptation directly or indirectly is the temptation to doubt and distrust God”. I’ve lived in the enemy’s prison camp through different seasons of my life and I PROMISE you I’m not going back! It’s time to dig into your Bible and God will reveal to you what this war looks like and how to win it by His power and His truth! Start by identifying the lies that you have believed! The enemy didn’t come to eve with a knife or an arrow, he came to her with a proposition. He comes to us with thoughts in our minds which are from culture and every other area. OK, I’m going to get off of my soap box now! Ladies, it’s “beast mode” time! YOU ARE A DAUGHTER OF A KING! Let’s go!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:57:19 +0000

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