Ladies, this ones for you to learn! PRACTICE!! The key to this - TopicsExpress


Ladies, this ones for you to learn! PRACTICE!! The key to this self defense move is having the element of surprise. You obviously can’t just walk up and do this to a guy who is threatening you. You have to deceive or distract him so you can get in close. The best distraction in this scenario is to make the attacker think you are being submissive. This is obviously a great tool if you are a woman, but it works well for men too. Taking a submissive body position (a slightly slouched posture, not looking at his eyes, weak soft voice) will allow a man or woman to get into the take down zone without the attacker knowing what you are up to. Once you are in close enough you have the advantage in the situation. Bullies, predators, and attackers are most familiar with fighting in the punching range. Because you were able to deceive him you have gotten in too close for a punch to be all that effective. Now for the actual self defense technique shown in the video: Once you have closed the gap strike the groin and the throat simultaneously. For the groin strike you need to use an open hand palm facing up, once you strike you must grab whatever you can (even if you can’t grab the groin grab the inseam of the pants, because you need a handle). You need to strike the throat with a c-hand. If you strike it with a closed hand he will move backwards too quickly and you won’t be able to grab the wind pipe. Once you strike the throat with the c-hand you need to dig your thumb into the space behind the wind pipe and use the rest of your fingers to grasp the throat on other side. At this point you have two very effective handles, the attacker isn’t going anywhere without causing himself a lot of pain. To make this self defense technique effective you can’t just hand onto him, you have to put him on the ground. Having two very effective handles is a good position to be in, but it prevents you from escaping. Since you aren’t a cop detaining this guy is not high on your list of things to do. The goal of any good self defense technique is to allow you to escape to safety. To do this you must use the handles you have to put him on the ground; giving you a chance to finish the job and escape. To put the attacker on the ground you simply use one of your legs to sweep one of his. While you are doing this you must be pulling up on the groin and pushing him away from your with the hand on his throat. At this point you will need to release your grip on his wind pipe. This is especially important while you are practicing. If you don’t release the wind pipe it could become a termination move. Any move where you are grasping the wind pipe can be dangerous. As you can see in the video Kathy completely releases the throat as she sweeps the foot to avoid any injury to her sparring partner. Once your attacker is on the ground you must decide to either immediately escape to safety or follow up this self defense take-down with some kicks, if it is necessary for your safety. youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=h8sW4VpKl_4
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 04:48:13 +0000

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