Lady Fatima Zahras Last Will to Imam Ali (A.S): Note: PLEASE - TopicsExpress


Lady Fatima Zahras Last Will to Imam Ali (A.S): Note: PLEASE READ AND SHARE to all the Shia Mislims in your whatsapp contacts. Be an asset to spread the knowledge of truth, and InshAllah Allah will fill your hem with rewards. For more updates, articles, news, events and other religious issues, visit our facebook page: facebook/IAmShiaMuslim Imam Ali (A.S.) was surprised to find that his dear wife had left her bed and had started doing the housework; he asked her about it and she replied: This is the last day of my life. I want to wash my childrens hair and clothes, because they will soon be orphans, without a mother!! Imam Ali (A.S.) then asked her about the source of knowledge of this news (the day of her departure). She (A.S.) told him that she had seen the Messenger of Allah in her dreams and he had told her that she was going to join him that night. She then asked Imam Ali (A.S.) to execute her will. Imam said: Instruct me to do anything you wish, daughter of Allahs Messenger. He then asked everyone to leave the house and he sat next to her. Fatima (SA) started: Cousin, you are not accustomed to me being a False-teller, undevoted, or have I disobeyed you since I have become your companion? Ali said: Allah forbid!! You are more knowing of Allah, more devoted, more pious, and more honorable and more fearing of Allah than (to give me a reason) to reprimand you for disobeying me. Surely it is very painful for me to be separated from you and to lose you; but it is an inevitable destination. By Allah, you have renewed the sorrow I have just encountered with the death of Allahs Messenger; surely your death and departure will be a great calamity, but to Allah do we belong, and to Him shall we return. What a painful, bitter and sad calamity. Surely this is a calamity for which there is not consolement, and a disaster for which there is no compensation. Then they both cried and Imam Ali (A.S.) embraced her head and said: Instruct me to do anything you wish; you certainly will find me devoted and I will execute everything that you command me to do. I shall also put your matters over mine. Fatima (A.S.) then said: I ask you not to let anyone who did injustice to me to witness my funeral, for they certainly are enemies of mine, and the enemy of Allahs Messenger. Also dont give them the chance to pray over me, nor to any of their followers. Burry me at night when eyes are rested and sight is put to sleep. Commenting on Imam Alis speech after Fatimas burial, the commentator on Nahjul Balagha-English version-published by Ansariyan Publication, p.347 - wrote: The treatment meted out to the daughter of the Prophet after his death has been extremely painful and sad. Although Sayyedah Fatima (A.S.) did not live in this world more than a few months after the death of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), yet even this short period has a long tale of grief and woe (about her). In this connection, the first scene that strikes the eyes in that the arrangements for the funeral rites of the Prophet had not yet been made when the contest for power started in the Saqifa of Bani Saeda. Naturally, their leaving the body of the Prophet (without burial), must have injured Hadhrat Fatimas grief-stricken heart to see that those who claimed love and attachment (to the Prophet) during his life, became so engrossed in their machinations for power that instead of consoling his only daughter, they did not even know when the Prophet (pbuh) was given funeral bath and when he was buried; and the way they condoled her, was that crowded at her house with material to set fire to it and tried to secure allegiance by force with all the display of oppression, compulsion and violence. All these excesses were with a view to so obliterate the prestigious position of this house that it might not remain its lost prestige on any occasion. With this aim in view, in order to crush her economic position, her claim for (the estate of) Fadak was turned down by dubbing it as false, the effect of which was that Hadhrat Fatima (A.S.) made the dying will that none of them should attend her funeral. Fatima Bint Muhammad was ready to meet her Lord. She bathed, than lay down in her garment... She then instructed Asma Bint Umais to wait awhile and then to call her name; if there was no answer, this would mean that she (AS) had departed towards her Lord. Asma waited awhile, then called Fatimas name... but there was no answer; Asma repeated the call: O daughter of the chosen Muhammad! O daughter of the most honorable of them whom women bore! O daughter of the best of those who have walked on gravel! O daughter of the Messenger of God. ...There is no answer... silence overwhelms the house ...Asma then proceeds towards Fatima and finds her dead. At that point, Hassan and Hussain entered and asked: Where is our mother? Yet Asma uttered not a word! Hassan and Hussain proceeded towards their mother and found her dead. At this, Hussain turned towards Hassan and said: May Allah console you for our Mother! Imam Ali (A.S.) was at the Mosque. Hassan and Hussain went to the Mosque and broke the news to their father. As soon as he (A.S.) heard their words, he fell unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he said: Who will console me now, daughter of Muhammad? You used to console me, so who will take your place now? The Hashimite women were then gathered to receive the news of the great calamity... Yes, the calamity befell them once more, while the blood was still flowing from the wound of losing the Prophet... .........Medina shakes...... Everyone came to console Ali (A.S.) and his two children... Allah is with you, Zahras children... It was just yesterday that you were inflicted with the death of your great father-the Prophet of Allah-and your new calamity is not any less than that one! But take patience, for this is the will of the Mighty Lord. ***A__Quiet__Funeral*** In the darkness of the jet-black night, when eyes were asleep and voices were silent, a Heavenly procession left Alis house while carrying the Messenger of Allahs daughter to her final abode. This was on the night of the third (3rd) of Jamadi al-Thani (the second), 11 A.H. The heartbreaking procession moved towards an unknown location followed by a small number of devoted ones... They were #Ali , #Hassan, #Hussain, #Zainab and #Um_Kulthum, ..#Abu_Dhar, #Ammar, #Miqdad , and #Salman were following them. The family and their friends hurry to bury Fatima... then they rush back to their own homes so that no one would know where Fatima was buried! In such a matter, the first start from Ahlul-Bayt set after the sun (the Prophet) and left everyone with the only light of Imamate!! Here I was asked: What do you think about the end of the life of Fatima? What will be the position of those who oppressed her in the hereafter!!!!? I waved my hand to him... So long... with no word... dead silence... So long! But wait... cant you hear the Commander of the faithful... the known hero... Ali... Dont you realize that he is crying? Yet, who would not cry for being separated from the Mistress of women? Listen to him, he is speaking to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.): O Prophet of Allah, peace be upon you from me and from your daughter who has come to you and who has hastened to meet you. O Prophet of Allah ! my patience about your chosen (daughter) has been exhausted and my power of endurance has weakened, except that I have ground for consolation in having endured the great hardship and heart-rending event of your separation. I laid you down in your grave while your last breath had passed (when your head) Verily we are Allahs and verily unto Him shall we return. (2:56) ...between my neck and chest. Now the trust has been returned and what had been given has been taken back. My grief knows no bounds, and my nights will remain sleepless till Allah chooses for me the house in which you are now residing. Certainly your daughter would apprise you of the joining tongether of your Ummah (people) for oppressing her. You ask her in detail and get all the news about the position. This happened when a long time had not elapsed and your remembrance had not disappeared. My salam be on you both, the salam of a grief stricken not of a disgusted or a hateful person; for if I go away, it is not because I am weary (of you); and if I stay, it is not due to lack of belief in what Allah has promised the endurers. *** #Failing_Attempts *** At sunrise people gathered to participate in Fatimas funeral, but they were informed that the darling of Allahs Messenger (P.B.U.H.) had been secretly buried during the night. Meanwhile, Ali (A.S.) made the shapes of four fresh graves in Baqi so as to conceal the location where Fatima was buried. When the people entered the graveyard, they were confused as to which spot was actually Lady Fatima Zahras grave; the people turned towards each other and with feelings of guilt said: Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has not left behind but one daughter, yet she has died and was buried without our participation in the funeral or the prayer rituals. We do not even realize the place where she has been buried Noticing that a revolt might be ignited because of the emotional atmosphere this event created, the governing party announced: Select a group of Muslim women and ask them to dig these graves so that we may find Fatima (A.S.) and perform prayers on her. Yes! They attempted to execute the plan, violating Fatimas will and causing Alis attempts to hide the grave to lay vainly. Have they forgotten Alis sharp sword and his well-known courage!! Did they really think that Ali would remain indifferent to their outrageous actions up to the point of letting them dig Fatimas grave?! Imam Ali (A.S.) did not fight back after the Prophets death because he considered the Muslims unity and over all interests. Yet, this did not mean that he would ignore their villainous crimes against Fatima even after her death. In other words, Ali (A.S.) was asked by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to have patience, but only to a certain extent; when Ali (A.S.) received the news of the about-to-be-executed plot, he put on his fighting gear and rushed towards Baqi. A man from among the people called out: This is Ali Ibn Abu Talib leveling his sword and saying: If anyone moves even a mere stone from these graves, I shall strike even the back of the last follower of the unjust. People who realized Alis seriousness, took his threats with complete belief that he would do just as he said if anyone were to oppose him. Yet, a man from the governing ones addressed Ali (A.S.) by saying: What is the matter, Abu Al-Hassan?! By Allah, we shall dig her grave out and perform prayers on her. Ali (A.S.) then grabbed the man by his clothes, shook him and threw him to the ground and said: Son of the Sawada! I have abandoned my right to prevent people from forsaking their faith, but as regards Fatimas grave, by Him in whose hand is my soul, if you and your followers attempt to do anything to it, I will irrigate the ground with your blood!! At this, Abu Bakr said; Abu Al-Hassan, I ask you by the right of Allahs Messenger, and by Him Who is above the Throne: leave him alone and we will not do anything which you would not approve of.. Thus, until this day, the location of Fatimas grave remains a secret. May Allah curse the enemies of daughter of Prophet - Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:07:27 +0000

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