Lady Master Pallas Athena via Fran Zepeda: Feel as If One with It - TopicsExpress


Lady Master Pallas Athena via Fran Zepeda: Feel as If One with It All December 28, 2014 https://franheal.wordpress/2014/12/27/lady-master-pallas-athena-feel-as-if-one-with-it-all-channeled-by-fran-zepeda/ Lady Master Pallas Athena: Hello, Dear Ones. It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness. [I am] a wisp of Creator’s energy in every cell of your Being expanding at will with each breath of Love that you take. Take a step with me now into the unknown and receive the sweet soft energy of Creator’s Infinite Love. Integrate it now into your very Being and get used to living within it. It is within you ever more securely as you integrate all your aspects into your unfathomable Beingness and is not for you to deny anymore. Fill yourselves with the Unconditional Love you have for yourself as a match to Creator’s Love for you. The love you have for yourself and the love Creator has for you is one and the same. Allow it to expand and spiral up in increasing depth and scope. Swim in it as your true boundaries of your energy field become Infinite. It is your birthright, essence, and it is your totality in purpose and beingness. You are magnificent in your Radiance, dear ones. [A radiance] that is ever-increasing and magnetizing all that is the same high vibration that you attain and accept as your pinnacle. This is your highest energy frequency that you can attain as you receive and expand the high quality energies from Source as they are offered to you Now. Being at one with yourself is being at One with All. Accept yourself in complete Wholeness just as you are. Always be open to receiving and integrating more aspects of yourself as part and parcel to you [which is] ever expanding in scope and limitless essence. This, dear ones, is the key. Always allow your limitless energy to expand. As you become more and more open to this, it shall be so. Encompass more of your true self which is morphing and expanding into the depths of your very Being in limitless form. Feel as if you are liquid energy, yet soft as a feather. As your cells expand with Light, they naturally exude and expel all that no longer serves you. This is speeding up for many. It is important that you do not resist. Allow the old and stuck energy to leave your cells freely. [This] allows more room for your expanded Radiance of Pure Source Energy [that is] taking over all your cells and very Being. The exquisiteness of your Radiance is so apparent to all around you and to the Celestial and Galactic Realms. It is becoming more apparent to you as you feel yourself lift and float in a sea of energy with glimpses of light becoming increasingly evident as you close your eyes. You are now becoming synonymous with this high quality light energy. There is less and less separation with how you view or feel yourself. [You] are more and more content and capable of being within the expanding sea of energy that is Creator’s energy and essence. Feel my strength and my purity of energy as you match it with your own. Become comfortable in matching that strength and purity of energy that is your birthright. Relish, revel, and luxuriate in your expansiveness of your energy field in preparation for further opportunity to expand and experience the higher dimensions at will. Many of you are ready for this. Many of you are there. Be at peace and spread your Love and Light accordingly to all with each breath you expel. Feel your breath as part of the Multiverse breathing in and out. Feel your breath as a part of Source breathing in and out. Allow yourself to become liquid and flexible as you allow yourself to expand with each breath you take. Feel as if One with it All. Namaste. I AM Pallas Athena, and I breathe Love into you and with you.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 12:03:55 +0000

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