Lahore Conspiracy Case- 1915 The most extensive preparations - TopicsExpress


Lahore Conspiracy Case- 1915 The most extensive preparations next to Burma for the overthrow of the Government was made in Punjab, the idea having taken root in 1909 and developed during the early years of the World War I. To get a picture, however imperfect, of the conspiracy, it is necessary to take into account, related elsewhere, the events happening abroad in U.S.A., Canada, Malay and other Far Eastern countries including Burma. The Ghadr, the Komagata Maru and the Budge-Budge Riot, San Francisco Trial, Revolt of the 5th Native Light Infantry and the Malay State Guides in Singapore, Mandalay Conspiracy and other cases on charges of waging war against the King, tampering with the army are some of the incidents. They are closely related to the Lahore Conspiracy Cases of 1915 and after. The movement in sulky Punjab received a great momentum with the arrival of the emigrants from U.S.A., Canada, Shanghai and other countries in the Far East. With large and varied experience abroad and with a mind fully prepared for any even­tuality they added strength and ingenuity to the organizations that had already been functioning in the area. A large quantity of arms and ammunition, obtained in America and Canada or secured en route, were smuggled into India. A fairly good number of the returned men were interned as soon as they set their feet on Indian soil. Some of them as were not arrested or released after a close scrutiny came to Punjab and proceeded to infuse revolutionary ideas in the minds of troops and the villagers. It was rather plain to the revolutionists that the preparation for the attainment of the objective laid through ways and alleys beset with grim danger yet they were not deterred. The principal programme was seduction of Indian soldiers from their allegiance to the King and to induce them to join the rebellion; to secure arms and ammunition from private and other sources including Government armory, from soldiers barracks and smuggling from outside. Money was to be obtained by raids on Govern­ment treasury or looting of private property. It was deemed a part of the programme of action to assassinate police and other officials and all civil Europeans who might come forward to help the authorities. The movement of troops and supplies to the affected areas were to be stopped by wrecking of trains and railway bridges; communications to other stations to be dislocated by cutting off telegraph wires, etc., etc. It could not be safe or sufficient to depend on supplies of arms and ammunitions from doubtful sources. Measures were, therefore, adopted to purchase relevant chemicals for the purpose of manufacturing bombs and other explosives. The principal centers for such purpose were at Jhabewal in Ludhiana District, at Lohatbadhi in the Nabha State and elsewhere. The idea of forging a revolution in Punjab was advanced by a member of the party organized as early as 1909 (who was awarded a death sentence but later commuted to transportation for life) through Tarikh-e-Hind (History of India), a highly seditious literature and through clandestine writings bearing on a mass rebellion. A manual on bombs was also published at the time. A person was deputed to Peshawar in 1914 to collect arms in the manner as best as possible. Acting upon the suggestions of the Ghadr, attempts were made for the seduction of troops en route to India at Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Penang, Rangoon and other places and efforts were also made in India in this direction at Mian Mir, Jullundur, Bannu and Kohat, Nowshera, Rawalpindi, Kapurthala, Ferozepore, Meerut, Agra, Cawnpore, Allahabad, Benares, Fyza­bad, Lucknow, Ambala, etc. To facilitate the work of the party maps were prepared showing the centres at which the work would be continued. One VISHNU GANESH PINGLEY, visited sepoys in the barracks at Meerut and was arrested on March 23, 1915, with ten high explosive bombs in his possession. Pingley was assisted by KARTAR SINGH and HARNAM SINGH who approached soldiers’ barracks to join them in the coming insurrection by distributing or reading Ghadr amongst them. The most outstanding figure in the whole conspiracy was Rash Behari Bose, Satinder Chander or Fat Babu, the name by which he was known to his comrades-in-arms in Punjab... The entire details were worked out by him and he would he moving from place to place like a whirlwind. His tact and presence of mind would seldom forsake him. . While scores of men were arrested, put into prison or lost their lives on the gallows, Rash Behari could never be arrested throughout the whole of his startling political career. Returned emigrants were approached on their arrival in Punjab and those who were found to have any inclination for Ghadr work, were placed in the different sections of the organization according to their taste and capability. It was not desirable that everyone should know the business or movement of any other member of the party whereas one may require particular information about a matter or a person. It was, therefore; necessary to arrange for some agency to act as Post Offices” and for this purpose persons were selected who were for some reasons or other could not be entrusted with work involving grave risks. Foreign help was sought for according to plan and indications pointing to some understanding about assistance from the Germans, especially individual Germans, were very frequent. Having equipped themselves, however inadequately, the party engaged themselves into serious work. It was arranged that on November 26, 1914, there should be an armed military array at Jhar Sahib (district Amritsar) which was to be joined by mutineers from the 23rd Cavalry and which was to march on Sarahli, Patti and Tarn Taran. The mutineers in Lahore got themselves armed but for some reasons or other did not move out. An armed military group assembled at Jhar Sahib and Kairon and marched on Sarahli and then quietly dispersed. Some others made an armed demonstration on November 25, 1914, at Lahore Cantonment and then moved to Ferozepore with the intention of assaulting the treasury and arsenal at Moga on November 30, 1914. The men proceeding for the purpose clashed with a police party at Ferozeshah (district Ferozepore) on November 27, which resulted in the death of a Sub-Inspector and a Zaildar. Two of the groups of revolutionaries were killed at the place of occurrence in mutual exchange of fire with the police and seven others were subsequently tried and hanged. Looting of private properties occurred at Sahnewal and Mansuran (Ludhiana District on January 23 and 27, respectively), at Jhaner (in Malerkotla State on January 29), at Chabba (Amritsar on February 2), at Rabbon (Ludhiana District on February 3, 1915), and also at other places. Individual acts of resistance and skirmishes were not infrequent. A Head Constable and a Sub-Inspector of Police were killed by a revolutionary at Anarkali Bazar on February 20, 1915, for which he was hanged. One armed gang met on June 5, 1915, to attack the Kapurthala Magazine to secure arms and then to attack the Lahore and Montgomery jails. The action was postponed to the 12th June as the party was considered insufficient for the purpose, a section having been despatched to attack the Walla Bridge military picket stationed there. On June 12, the guards were attacked in the course of which four persons were killed and four of the attackers were tried and hanged. The Walla Bridge raid was a part of the activities for disrupting railway communications which formed a part of the programme of the revolutionaries. Another plan for attack on Doraha Railway Bridge (in Ludhiana district) on February 1915 had to be abandoned at the last moment. There were contacts between the disaffected persons in the Mandi State (now district Mandi in Himachal Pradesh) and the revolutionists in Punjab. It was resolved to collect bombs and arms in the State, bring up men from Punjab to murder the Wazir and the representative of the Government of India and take possession of the State. The idea was to use Mandi as a vantage point for extensive operations around. In a separate trial as Mandi Conspiracy Case five persons were convicted, one being sentenced to transportation for life and others receiving various terms of imprisonment. There were men of outstanding ability, courage and resource­fulness. Decision was taken at Lahore on February 12, 1915, for affecting a mass rising on February 21, 1915, and emissaries were sent to several cantonments to announce the coming event. The infected troops were to rise throughout Punjab on receipt of news of an outbreak at Mian Mir. Arrangements were made for collecting groups of villagers in Lahore to participate in the insurrection. Bombs were manu­factured; arms got together to be given to men responsible for serious actions. To complete the arrangement, instruments for cutting telegraph wires and destroying centers of communications were collected on a large scale. Flags representing Free India were prepared which were to be hoisted in proper quarters after the revolution had succeeded. In a word, everything was put hastily in the line for the general rising. Almost at the last stage of preparation it came to be known that the police had got scent of the affair through a spy and steps had been taken to prevent the occurrence by all means. Guards were placed at important centers and troops having sympathy or promising support to the organizers of the revolt, were trans­ferred to different places overnight. Confronted with this contingency the leaders hurriedly advanced the date to February 19 so that efforts of long months might not go in vain. But the time was rather too short to reach the changed date to the various centers not very close to one another. The result was disastrous for the organizers; before anything could be done, the grand project ended in a dismal failure. There were mass arrests of the members of the Ghadr party in Punjab. Houses were searched frantically for every bit of paper and other articles furnishing any clue to the conspiracy. On February 19, a search at Mochi Gate, Lahore, resulted in the find of complete bombs, and other materials for the manufacture of bombs, a revolver, and a dagger. On February 20, revolver cartridges of various bores, percussion caps, files, duplicators, a sword stick, flags and seditious literatures were recovered. Searches conducted on February 24, 1915, at a house at Gumti Bazar and another at Wachhowali, Lahore, discovered four Bengal bombs, a pistol, cartridges of various bores, a bottle containing a solution called Greek Fire and chemicals for bombs. A conspiracy case of unprecedented magnitude was started in the Lahore Central Jail on April 27, 1915, before a Special Tribunal constituted for the purpose with sixty-two accused rising eventually to eighty of whom sixteen were found to be absconders. The accused were charged in a wholesale fashion under Sections 121, 121A, 122, 122-109, 123, 124A, 124A-107, 131, 132, 302, 303/109/120B, 395, 395-397, 396, 412, 414 I.P.C., Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Explosive Substances Act (Act VI of 1900). Judgment was delivered on September 13, 1915, in a case which was unique in its origin, motive, time, character and ramifications, the number of men involved and the area covered by their activities. Twenty-four men were condemned to death and twenty-six to transportation for life. Others received varying terms of imprisonment, only a few being acquitted. On November 14, 1915, the Governor General-In-Council commuted the death sentences of seventeen leaving the seven others to die. They were: (i) BAKSHISH SINGH of Gilwali (Amritsar), (ii) VISHNU GANESH PINGLEY of Talegaon Dhamtera district Poona (now Pune, Maharashtra), (iii) SURAIN SINGH, son of Ishar Singh of Gilwali (Amritsar), (iv) SURAlN SINGH, son of Bur Singh of Gilwali (Amritsar), (v) HARANAM SINGH of Bhatti Goraya (Sialkot, now in Pakistan) (vi) JAGAT SINGH of Sursingh (Amritsar), and (vii) KARTAR SINGH of Sarabha (Ludhiana). All of these fighters for Indias freedom who had worked long years and suffered privations and sacrificed everything that man runs after, were executed in the Lahore Central Jail on November 16, 1915. In the Court room as also standing before the gallows the condemned men refused to accept their endeavour to be termed a conspiracy. They contended that it was an open challenge to the foreigners who charged the patriots sacrificing everything for the freedom of their Motherland with the offence of sedition, of waging war against the King. Kartar Singh was not at all sorry for what they had done; rather he felt proud for enjoying the privilege of throwing out the challenge at the face of a lot of usurpers. He was really sorry over the outcome of their efforts. He averred that every slave had a right to revolt and it could never be a crime to rise in defense of the primary rights of the sons of the very soil. When asked to appeal he retorted, Why should I? If I had more lives than one, it would have been a great Honour to me to sacrifice each of them for my country. Kali Charan Ghosh – Roll of Honour Copy Right - Author LAHORE CONSPIRACY CASE JUDGEMENT DELIVERED ON SEPTEMBER 13, 1915 S. No. Person tried Section of Indian Penal Code Under which convicted Sentence pronounced Final sentence After review 1 Anand Kishore, son of Radha Kishen, of Lahore Discharged 2 Anokh Singh, son of Gujar Singh, Jat, of Rampur, district Ludhiana Absconded, but was arrested and made an approver in the Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case. 3 Arjan Singh, son of Jhanda Singh, of Lohatbadi, Nabha State. Absconded 4 *Baj Singh, son of Chatar Singh Jat, of Raya, Police Station Beas, Amritsar 122 2 years rigorous imprisonment and forfeiture of property. 2 years rigorous imprisonment 5 * Balwant Singh ,son of Mir Singh, Jat, of Sathiala, Police Station Beas, District Amritsar 121, 12IA, 122, 395,306,397,398, 302/109 Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property 6 * Banta Singh alias Balwant Singh, son of Buta Singh, of Sangwal, Police Station Kartarpur, Jalandhar Absconded, but was arrested in July 1915 and convicted in the Nangal Kalan Murder and the Walla Bridge Cases. Sentenced to death 7 Bakhshish Singh, son of Santa Singh, Jat, of GiIlwali, Police Station Amritsar Sadr, Amritsar. 121, 121A, 122, 396,302/109 Death. Forfeiture of property Death. Forfeiture of property 8 *Bhan Singh, son of Sawan Singh, Jat, of Sunet, Police Station Ludhiana. 121,121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property Transportation for 10 years. 9 *Bishen Singh, son of Jawala Singh, Jat, of Dadher, Police Station Sirhali, Amritsar. 121, 122, 121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 10 *Bishen Singh, son of Kesar Singh, Jat, of Dadher, Police Station Sirhali, Amritsar. (Note - A Komagata Maru passenger) 121,122,121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 11 *Bir Singh alias Vir Singh, son of Buta Singh, of Bahowal, Police Station Mahilpur, District Hoshiarpur. Absconded, but was arrested and tried in the Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case. Sentenced to death. 12 *Buta Singh alias Kala Singh, son of Sher Singh, of Akalgarh Khurd, Police Station Raikot, District Ludhiana. Absconded, but was arrested and convicted in the Nangal Kalan murder case and hanged in August 1915. 13 *Chuhar Singh, son of Buta Singh, Jat, of Lilan, Police Raikot, district Ludhiana. 121, I2IA, 122, 395,397,398 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property 14 Dalip Singh, son of Kesar Singh, Jat, of Ghanori, Patiala State. 395 7 years rigorous imprisonment. 7 years rigorous imprisonment. 15 Dewa Singh, son of Sahib Singh, of Nand pur, Police Station Sahnewal district Ludhiana. 122, 12IA, 109 4 years rigorous imprisonment. 4 years rigorous imprisonment. 16 *Gandha Singh alias Bhagat Singh, son of Jawala Singh, of Kachar Bhan, Police Station Zira, District Ferozepore Absconded, but was arrested and convicted for his share in the Ferozeshahr murder case and hanged 17 *Gurmukh Singh, alias Anup Singh, son of Hoshnak Singh, of Lalton, Ludhiana. (Note- A Komagata Maru passenger) 121, 12IA, 131 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. 18 *Gurdit Singh, son of Gurmukh Singh, Barber, of Sursingh, Police Station Khalra, Lahore 121,121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 10 years Transportation 19 *Gujar Singh, son of Sham Singh, Jat, of Bhakna, Police Station Gharinda, Amritsar. Acquitted. 20 Dr. Hardit Singh, son of Bhup Singh, of Kala Ghanupur, Police Station Sadr, Amritsar. Acquitted. 21 *Hamam Singh, Tunda, son of Gurdit Singh, Jat, of Kotla, Police Station Hariana, Hoshiarpur. 121, 121 A, 131 Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 22 *Hamam Singh, son of Jiwan Singh, of Padhana, Police Station Khalra, District Lahore. Discharged. 23 *Hamam Singh alias Arjan Singh, son of Bhag Singh Mahajan,of Kahuta, Rawalpindi. Absconding. Is believed to be at Kabul. 24 *Hamam Singh, son of Arura, of Bhatti Goraya, Sialkot. 121, 121A, 122, 395,396,397,398. Death. Forfeiture of property. Death. Forfeiture of property. 25 *Hazara Singh, son of Bela Singh, of Dadher, Police Station Sirhali, Amritsar. 121,122, 121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property 26 *Hari Singh, son of Gurmukh Singh, of Nathana, Ferozepore. 395,397,398 10 years rigorous imprisonment. 10 years rigorous imprisonment. 27 Hirde Ram, son of Gajjan Singh, Rajput of Mandi State. 121, 121A, 122, 131, 302,397,398.395/109 Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 28 *Inder Singh, Granthi son of Ala Singh of Mala, Police Station Jagraon, Ludhiana. 121, 121A, 124A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. 29 *Indar Singh, son of Ganda Singh, Barber, of Basin, Police Station Manwan, Lahore. 121,121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 10 years transportation. 30 *Indar Singh, son of Mula Singh, Jat, of Sursingh, Police Station, Khalra, Lahore. 121,121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 10 years transportation. 31 *Jagat Ram, son of Dittu Mal, Brahmin, of Hariana, Hoshiarpur. 121, 121A, 131, 122, 124A. Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 32 *Jagat Singh alias Jai Singh, son of Arur Singh, Jat, of Sursingh, Lahore 121, 121A, 122; 131,132, 124A, 395,396, 397,398,302/109 Death and forfeiture of property. Death and forfeiture of property. 33 Jamna Das alias Charan Das, son of Hari Ram, Brahmin, of Baragaon, Barabanki, U.P. 123 3 years rigorous imprisonment. 3 years rigorous imprisonment. 34 * Jawand Singh, son of Uttam Singh, Jat, of Sur singh, Police Station Khalra, Lahore. 121, 12IA Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 10 years transportation 35 * Jawand Singh alias Jaswant Singh alias Lachman alias Punjab Singh alias Ram Chand, son of Narain Singh of Nangal Kalan, Police Station Mahilpur, District Hoshiarpur. Absconded but was arrested on 28th March 1917 and sent for trial in the Fourth Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case and sentenced to death. 36 * Jawala Singh alias Santa Singh, son of Kannahya Singh, of Thathian, Police Station Beas, District Amritsar. 121, 121A, 131, 124A. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. 37 Kala Singh son of Ghasita Singh, Jat, of Sursingh, Police Station Khalra, District Lahore. 121,121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property 10 years transportation 38 Kala Singh, son of Gulab Singh;Carpenter, of Amritsar 121, 121A, 396 Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 39 *Kartar Singh, son of Mangal Singh, Jat, of Saraba, Police Station Raikot, District Ludhiana. 121, 121A, 122, 124A, 395, 396, 397,398,131,132 Death. Forfeiture of property. Death. Forfeiture of property. 40 Karam Singh, son of Sunder Singh, of Kotla Ajner, Police Station Khanna, District Ludhiana. Absconded, but was arrested and sent for trial in the Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case and sentenced to transportation for life. 41 *Kehar Singh, son of Nihal Singh, of Marhana, Police Station Sirhali, District Amritsar. 121, 121A, 122 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Reduction of sentence recommended on account of old age. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 42 *Kehar Singh alias K. S. Sidhu, son of Bhagel Singh, of Sahnewal, District Ludhiana. Absconded, but was arrested in May 1916 and sent up for trial in the Second Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case and sentenced to transportation for life. 43 *Kesar Singh, son of Bhup Singh, Jat, of Thatghar, Police Station Taran Taran,Amritsar. 121, 121A, 124A, 131. Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property 44 Kharak Singh, Student, son of Jhanda Singh, of Bopa Rai, Police Station Raikot, Ludhiana. 121, 121A,122 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Strongly recommended for mercy on account of youth. 4 years rigorous imprisonment. 45 Khushal Singh, son of Suchet Singh, of Padri, District Amritsar. 121, 121A, 396 Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property. 46 Kirpal Singh, Student, son of Narain Singh, of Bopa Rai, Police Station Raikot, Ludhiana. 121,12IA, 124A/109, 305 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Recommended for mercy on account of youth. 10 years transportation. 47 Kishen Das, Sadh, son of Khazan Singh of Babarpur, Police Station Ludhiana. 176 Simple imprisonment until rising of court. Simple imprisonment until rising of court. 48 Kidar Nath, son of Dr. Bhag Mal, of Lahore. Acquitted, 49 Lal Singh, son of Mihan Singh, of Bhure, Police Station Tarn Taran, District Amritsar. 121, 121A, 122 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 50 Madan Singh, Son of Mal Singh of Gaga, Police Station Barki, District Lahore. 121,121A Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. 51 *Mangal Singh, son of Sarmukh Singh, of Lalpur, Police Station Tarn Taran, District Amritsar. 121, 12IA, 131 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Possibility of mercy suggested. Transportation for life. 52 *Mathra Singh, Dr., son of Hari Singh Khatri, of Dhudyal, P.S. Chakwal, Jhelum. Absconded, but finally arrested and sent for trial in the Third Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case and sentenced to death. 53 *Nand Singh, son of Ram Singh, Jat, of Kaila Police Station Raikot, District Ludhiana. 121, 121A, 122, 395,398. Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property. 54 *Nidhan Singh, son of Sundar Singh, Jat, of Chuga, Police Station Dharmkot, District Ferozepore. 121, 121A, 122, Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property. 55 Naurang Singh, Darzi, son of Chanda Singh, of Amritsar. Acquited 56 *Bhai Parma Nand, Brahman, son of Bhai Tara Chand of Karyala, Jhelum. 121, 121A, 124A Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property. 57 *Pandit Parma Nand, Kayasth, son of Gya Parshad of Sukrada Kharka, Hamirpur, U.P. 121, 121A, 122, 124A Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property. 58 *Pirthi Singh, son of Shadi Ram, Rajput, of Sabhu, Patiala State. 121, 121A, 124A Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property. 59 *Vishnu Ganesh Pingle, son of Ganesh Pingle, Mahratta Brahmin, of Talegaon Dhandhera, Poona. (now Pune) 121, 121A, 122, 124A, 131, 132. Death. Forfeiture of property. Death. Forfeiture of property. 60 *Piara Singh alias Karam Singh, son of Lakha Singh, of Langeri, Police Station Mahilpur, Hoshiarpur 121, 121A, 326 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. 61 *Prem Singh, son of Jiwan Singh, Jat, of Sursingh, Police Station Khalra, Lahore. Absconded. Finally arrested and sent up for trial in the Padri Murder Case and sentenced to death. 62 Puran Singh, Student, son of Hoshiar Singh of Isewal, Police Station Dakha, Ludhiana. 121, 121A, 124A. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Recommendation made for mercy. 4 years rigorous Imprisonment. 63 Vinyak Rao Kapile, son of Biswas Nath Rao Kapile, Mahratta, of Poona. Absconded. Eventually murdered at Lucknow by S. N. Sanyal. 64 Ram Saran Das, son of Sant Ram, Khatri of Kapurthala. 121,121A Death. Forfeiture of property Transportation for life and forfeiture of property 65 *Ram Rakha, son of Hira Singh, Rajput, of Sahiba Saroa Police Station Garh Shankar, Hoshiarpur. (Now district Nawan Shehr.) Absconding 66 Rash Behari Bose alias Sham Lal, son of Binode Behari Bose, of Fatagore, Chandernagore, also of Subalda, Police Station Raina, Burdwan. Absconding 67 *Roda Singh, son of Wasawa Singh, Jat, of Roda, Police Station Baghapurana, Ferozepore. 121,12IA. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property Transportation for life 68 *Rulia Singh, son of Jagat Singh, Jat, of Saraba, Police Station Raikot, Ludhiana. 121, 121A, 396 Death. Forfeiture of property Transportation for life and forfeiture of property 69 Sawan Singh, son of Khushal Singh, of Chabba, Police Station Sadr, Amritsar 121, 121 A, 396 Death. Forfeiture of property Transportation for life and forfeiture of property 70 Sajjan Singh, son of Mihan Singh, of Narangwal, Police Station Dehlon, District Ludhiana. Absconded, but was arrested in June 1915, sent up for trial in the Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case and sentenced to transportation for life. 71 Sewa Singh, son of Gajjo, of Lohatbadi, Nabha State. Absconding 72 *Shiv Singh, son of Munshi, Jat, of Kotla Naudh Singh; Police Station Hariana, Hoshiarpur. 121, 121A, Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Strongly recommended for mercy. 10 years transportation. Case to be reconsidered after 4 years, in 1920. 73 *Sher Singh, son of Kesar Singh, Jat, of Vein Poin, Police Station Tarn Taran, Amritsar. 121, 121A, 124A, 131 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. 74 *Sohan Singh, son of Karam Singh, Jat, of Bhakna, Police Station Gharinda, Amritsar. 121, 121A, 124A Death. Forfeiture of property Transportation for life and forfeiture of property 75 Surain Singh, son of Bur Singh, Jat, of Gillwali, Police Station Sadr, Amritsar. 121, 121A, 396 Death. Forfeiture of property Death. Forfeiture of property 76 Surain Singh, son of Ishar Singh, Jat, of Gillwali, Police Station Sadr, Amritsar. 121, 121A, 396 Death. Forfeiture of property Death. Forfeiture of property 77 *Udham Singh, son of Mewa Singh, Jat, of Kasel, Police Station Gharinda, Amritsar. 121, 121A, 131 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. 78 *Umrao Singh, son of Rulia Singh, Jat, of Jhabbewal, Police Station Sahnewal, . Ludhiana. Made an approver during the course of trial. 79 *Uttam Singh alias Ragho Singh alias Sewa Singh, son of Jita Singh, of Jagraon, Ludhiana. Absconded, but arrested and sent up for trial in the Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case and sentenced to death. 80 *Wasakha Singh, son of Dyal Singh, of Dadher, Police Station Sirhali, Amritsar. 121,12IA,122 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. 81 *Wasawa Singh, son of Mihan Singh, Jat,of Gillwali, Police Station Sadr, Amritsar. 121, 121A, 124A, 396 109 Death. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life and forfeiture of property. 82 *Rur Singh, son of Attar Singh, Jat, of Chuhar Chak, P.S. Moga,Ferozepore. 121, 121A, 131 Transportation for life. Forfeiture of property. Transportation for life. APPROVERS 1 * Amar Singh, son of Uttam Singh, Rajput, of Nawanshahr, Police Station Rahon, Jullundur. 2 *Mula Singh, alias Punjab Singh, son of Jawala Singh, Jat, of Mirankot Kalan, near Amritsar town, District Amritsar. 3 *Jawala Singh, son of Roda Singh, of Gurusar, Police Station Kot Bhai, Ferozepore. 4 *Nawab Khan, son of Ghaus Khan, Rajput, of Halwara, Police Station Raikot, Ludhiana. 5 * Udham Singh, son of Sohan Singh, of Padri, Police Station Tarn Taran, Amritsar. 6 Ichhra Singh, son of Bahal Singh, of Lohatbadi, Nabha State. 7 Narain Singh, son of Bakshish Singh of Lohatbadi, Nabha State. 8 Sucha Singh, son of Rulia Singh, Jat, of Jhabbewal, Police Station Sahnewal, Ludhiana. 9 *Umrao Singh, son of Rulia Singh, Jat, of Bholapur, Police Station Sahnewal, Ludhiana. 10 Dalip Singh, son of Hazura Singh, Jat, of Bholapur, Police Station Sahnewal, Ludhiana. Source – War against King Emperor Ghadar of 1915 -15 (A VERDICT BY SPECIAL TRIBUNAL) Editors – Malwinderjit Singh Harinder Singh Published by Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Trust 23 – G, Sarabha Nagar Ludhiana,Punjab India
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:34:44 +0000

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