Laila Tov (Good Night)… Yediyd (Beloved) Shepherd Dino and - TopicsExpress


Laila Tov (Good Night)… Yediyd (Beloved) Shepherd Dino and Yediyd Mishpocha (Beloved Family) of EL ELyon (God Most High)! Love you all with the unfailing Love of Messiah (Christ)! Sleep peacefully with a deep and Restful sleep, and may every hour of sleep you receive equal that of five (The number of Grace)! Sleep this whole Night Through in The Loving Arms of Adonai, (Our Lord) and May Protective Ministering and Warring Angels Be Encamped around you keeping you all safe and secure in Adonai (Our Lord)! Go Angels, Go and do what you Love to do! Protect the Servants to The Heirs of Salvation in The Kingdom of God to the fullest! May you all Awake refreshed , renewed, revived, strengthened and empowered with a fresh and new infilling of The Holy Spirit and a song of Joy flowing freely from your lips! Shabbat Shalom! God Bless you All In Adonai (Our Lord)! Amein and Amein! As it Is written: 2 We are ever giving thanks to God for all of you, continually mentioning [you when engaged] in our prayers, 3 Recalling unceasingly before our God and Father your work energized by faith and service motivated by love and unwavering hope in [the return of] our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) (Thessalonians 1: 2-3 AMP) As it is written: 11 Finally, brethren, farewell (rejoice)! Be strengthened (perfected, completed, made what you ought to be); be encouraged and consoled and comforted; be of the same [agreeable] mind one with another; live in peace, and [then] the God of love [Who is the Source of affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence toward men] and the Author and Promoter of peace will be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11 AMP) And it is so! Peaceful Sleep Beloved Family of God! Amein and Amein! SHABBAT SHALOM Beloved Saints of El Elyon (God Most High!)
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:47:35 +0000

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