Lainee took a bad curve last night. Wish I could be there but for - TopicsExpress


Lainee took a bad curve last night. Wish I could be there but for now I can PRAY! Thank you all my prayer warriors for past prayers please keep lifting her. Every day is a winding road By Jessica Peters- Jensen — 1 hour ago I listened to Sheryl Crow on my way from Rock Rapids back to the castle this morning at 1:30 am. After Lainee had a day similar to Tuesday yesterday, she took a very scary turn for the worse shortly after midnight. My mom was staying with her again so that I could be home again to get the other two kids all good to go for their second day of school and take care of a couple of other things around the house (in particular this nagging situation called LAUNDRY that doesnt stop just because one member of the family is sick!). When I left the hospital she was finally sleeping after a long day of dialysis, physical therapy (she walked TWO laps around the peds floor and kicked the ball for part of it), occupational therapy (we started some school activities to get started on strengthening her fine motor skills) and some school (she read a book to me and answered some questions). She did seem uncomfortable most of the time I was with her that afternoon and evening and she complained of her tummy hurting. She also had several wretching spells and the usual Zofran didnt seem to help. Tylenol also seemed to make the wretching worse so we decided to wait until closer to bedtime to give her some Benedryl and Zofran together in hopes she would sleep good. But before I left for the night we decided to give her some Atavan because she just would not stay still and could not get comfortable. That did the trick and like I said, she was finally sleeping soundly when I left to go home for the night. But mom called my around 12:15 a.m. and put the doctor on the phone because Lainee had spiked a temperature of 103 (at that time, but it continued to rise quickly), was very restless and began having tremors. Through the night she had grown more and more restless and medicines did not help. Likewise her temp had been on the rise and Tylenol was not helping to bring it down. So when I spoke to the doctor, the plan was to put in an IV (the nurse had taken out her pic line earlier in the afternoon), get some medications on board that are usually part of a narcotic withdrawal regimen, draw some blood for a blood panel and to culture, and get an antibiotic on board. Mom assured me it was not an urgent matter, just that she wanted us to be aware what was going on and that we should just go back to sleep. HA!!!! Since going back to sleep was not going to be an option, I started doing some of the things I had planned to do in the morning and threw in another load of laundry. About 30 minutes later mom called again to tell me they were moving Lainee back to intensive care where our friends in the PICU could watch her more closely. I quickly gathered my things, signed the kids Ive read and understand the syllabus forms, and promised Brian I would do a better job of keeping him updated until he could get back to the hospital! When I got here, Dr. Segeleon was just finishing up asking mom about Lainees day overall. He then filled me in on what had happened between the time when mom first called and when he examined her when she got to the PICU. Basically when she was on the peds floor her temperature began to skyrocket and her blood pressure started to drop. She also started having these tremors. By the time she got to the PICU her temperature had soared (in a very short amount of time) to 105. The tremors turned into a constant shaking in her legs (almost like vibrating toothbrushes going off continuously in her legs). Her eyes rolled back, her arms started flailing and she began an almost constant moaning. In the PICU they put in an IV and she did respond to the pain from that. They started three medicines- 2 big gun antiobiotics and an anti-fungal. They are also giving Tylenol and have packed ice around her and put cold wash cloths on to try and bring her temp down. Dr. Segeleon at this point is suspecting she has an infection thats gotten into her blood stream. Without a blood culture coming back he cant say for certain but based on other things thats his diagnosis. Her blood pressure is fine, her heart rate is fine, her respitatory status is fine, and other things he would look for to give a diagnosis of say pnemonia for example, are not present. So now we wait for cultures to come back to give us a clearer picture. His suspicion is that removing the pic line today released a bacteria infection into her blood stream. But without actually culturing the pic line, he cant say for certain. But since that is the one thing that changed today and indicators for other sources arent present, thats where hes putting the blame. However, we will continue to do frequent blood draws over the next several hours and they will culture her dialysis catheter in the morning also to make sure that isnt the source. I am asking all the many, many prayer warriors today to pray that her fever begins to subside and that the big gun antibiotics can get this infection-wherever it is- under control SOON!!!! As hard as it was to see Lainee intubated, this is almost worse. When I first got back here this morning and got to her bedside, I was reminded of when Tatum was here being treated for seizures when she was almost three. That was one of the scariest things I had ever been through and seeing Lainee in a state that was very similar was very scary too. But I take peace in remembering that Tatum also had lots of people praying her through her episodes and she has now been seizure-free for 8 years. I know the power of prayer and Gods healing touch will get Lainee through this setback and this horrible illness. I also heard another song on my way here this morning that made me remember: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I know He will give us the strength to get through this and we will be back on the road to recovery soon.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:13:52 +0000

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