#LamuCrisis Yesterday I promised to tell you something about the - TopicsExpress


#LamuCrisis Yesterday I promised to tell you something about the alleged fraudulent allocation of land in Lamu County. Allow me to share this: A) Between 25 and 30 entities registered either as Limited Liability Companies, Business Names, Societies, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) & Community Based Organisations (CBOs) were allocated land in Lamu County in the years 2011 & 2012; B) Only 5 of those entities are involved in any meaningful business. The rest are Shell Corporations or Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) registered solely for the purpose of acquiring land in Lamu for speculation and with a view of making a kill if and when LAPPSET kicks off; C) The records of 16 of those entities cannot be traced anywhere in any of the registries where their files ought to be and there are 4 cases of double registration; D) The founding, known & registered directors and/or members of 90% of these entities are not the actual owners of the companies/societies. They are merely agents; proxies and/or nominee directors/members holding brief for their principals, the actual owners; E) The Principals behind these Shell Corporations are both Local and Foreign Nationals. The main & direct financial beneficiaries being Politicians & Technocrats from both sides of the Grand Coalition Government that ruled Kenya between April 2008 and March 2013. The list reads like who was who in the Nusu Mkate Government and it seems both sides were competing to determine who was better at wheel-dealing; F) The Principal owners of the Companies/Societies will never be known. Kenyans cannot handle the resultant shock. Disclosing their names could precipitate serious socio-economic reverberations and occasion political ramifications beyond the boundaries of the Republic of Kenya. Ordinary Kenyans may also totally lose faith in their Political Leadership (Government & Opposition) and the super-structure of the State as is currently constituted. The ensuing national anger would be unfathomable. I am not sure any reasonable Government can allow that to happen. That is the cost of political stability; G) It is imprudent to state or suggest either directly or by innuendo the names of any of these Principals on this wall owing to reasons related to Personal Security, Official Secrets, Privacy, Protection of Witnesses, and Slander. That is the cost of democracy. NB: A number of things happened between 6:00 PM yesterday and 3:00 PM today and in the circumstances, this is the best I can do. If you are disappointed, I feel doubly dejected. Today I go to bed with a heavy heart. Information is a double edged sword!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:41:04 +0000

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