Lana Vawser: YOU’RE ON THE BRINK, GIANTS WILL SHRINK Giants - TopicsExpress


Lana Vawser: YOU’RE ON THE BRINK, GIANTS WILL SHRINK Giants have arisen in the land and it feels like they are staring down the people of God more than ever before. They look big, they feel big, they look scary, they feel scary, but as these giants arose I saw the people of God as they were aligned with Him, had their toes over the edge of this season, and about to step into the new one. The giants were simply attempting to guard the entrance into the new season with huge amounts of intimidation, fear, anxiety and dread of the enormity of change coming and responsibility being released in many areas. The Lord is about to reveal to you what you are on the brink of and all the giants in the land that are trying to stop you from getting into the new day, new season, new land are going to SHRINK! As the curtain is pulled back on what the Lord has you on the brink of, all things that have tried to keep you hidden, in shame and fear are going to shrink and you will CRUSH THEM as you move forward in victory and boldness that you have not experienced before, seeing His GLORIOUSLY GOOD plans for you and what a good Father He is. Seeing the GOODNESS of God as Daddy and His plans for you as making those giants SHRINK. These giants are appearing at the DOOR OF YOUR DESTINY. Do not give into them. Actually be ENCOURAGED in a way that they have risen up now because it means you are closer than EVER to fullness. They would not be moving towards you with such intimidation and attempting to place fear and dread upon you if you were not about to step into what you have been waiting so long for. I saw many being positioned into tasks and assignments that seem so much bigger than them, and there has been a real struggle with fear and inadequacy. Yes, God is bypassing a lot of ‘natural processes’ and placing His people in places of RADICAL favour that in some ways would have been impossible to attain in the natural, but this is the time to remember that HE is doing the work through you. He is with you! He has got your back! He is empowering you and as you continue to align yourself with Him, walk in obedience and surrender He is going to do greater exploits through you than you could ever imagine. God is not going to let you go into this new land, season and arena bound in fear or with giants having power over you. The Lord has planned the victory, and you will walk forward in great freedom, victory and boldness as He is doing a great healing and deliverance. The giants are going to shrink. You are not going to limp as you align yourself with Him, you will walk over this brink with a spring of joy, peace, victory and freedom in your step. You are going to be blown away by what is coming up next! Lana Vawser
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:33:01 +0000

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