Land reform followed the victory of Chinese Communist Party in - TopicsExpress


Land reform followed the victory of Chinese Communist Party in 1949 often called liberation. To meet the quota of one per thousand handed down by Mao, close to 20 lac landlords were killed in China where there were no landlords! Even children were not spared as little landlords were mercilessly slaughtered. Whereas Japan, Korea and Taiwan went along a different path as land reform was successfully carried out without shedding a drop of blood by compensating the landlords there. After land reform, Mao, a master strategist - win over the majority, oppose the minority and crush all enemies separately - turned against the government servants who had worked under the Nationalists. Over ten lac government employees were persecuted - sacked, killed or jailed. Entrepreneurs and businessmen were attacked in 1952. So intense was the pressure, more than 600 of them committed suicide in a mere two months. Capitalists were cursed, stripped, tied up, beaten, flogged, ordered to kneel, hanged, shot or sent to labour camps. In Shantou, three lac books were destroyed in 1953. In Shanghai, 237 tonnes of bad books were destroyed. Mao turned against intellectuals in 1957. Over five lac of them were sent to the gulag - labour camp. Mao made sure that for professors and teachers no dignity and prestige remained. There was no freedom of speech in Maos China. But there was no freedom of silence either. People were required to make positive statements of loyalty towards the criminal enterprise Mao was presiding. From five lac in 1950, the number of monks declined to a mere one lac in 1955, thanks to the open hostility of Maoists towards Buddhism as monasteries and lamaseries were desecrated, destroyed or converted to prisons, army barracks, offices, schools or factories. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim and Pol Pot came to rule in the name of equality, justice and freedom. But what they created instead was a veritable hell for the citizens of their respective states.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 13:12:22 +0000

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