Land reform: why SA farmers are being murdered June 13, 2013 Dan - TopicsExpress


Land reform: why SA farmers are being murdered June 13, 2013 Dan Roodt • • digg by Dan Roodt One of the biggest liberal myths in South Africa is that whites own 87% of the land. If you consider that 70% of the country consists of the Karoo desert, there is only 30% with any rainfall to speak of. Blacks have always owned at least half of that in the form of tribal lands where mostly subsistence farming is practised with land being administered according to the whims of the chief. You have his permission to plant or let your cattle graze, but it could be revoked anytime. The government also owns huge tracts of land. Instead of developing that land, as well as the tribal lands, the government wants to punish white farmers for being successful! As many analysts and economists have pointed out, they are actually using taxpayers’ funds to take land out of production and turn it into subsistence land as in the tribal areas. That is why our agricultural production has been declining, with food prices going up all the time. The worst is: South African blacks are just not interested in agriculture. Most of them would prefer to have a city job, earn a big salary and spend it on branded consumer goods. But government sees the large number of white-owned farms as a political and strategic problem. It prevents them from pushing whites around at will and even expelling them if need be, as in Zimbabwe. Another burning issue around land reform is that we have some foreign academics, real “tenured radicals” who have got posts at our universities – heaven knows how – and are now pushing a radical socialist agenda when it comes to land ownership. One such person is Dr. Ruth Hall of a group called PLAAS (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies). More than 4 000 white farmers and their family members have been killed, with many tortured to death in dehumanising, atrocious ways. They are made to drink boiling water, burned with hot irons or simply hacked to pieces with their corpses displayed afterwards in ways that remind one of Satanic rituals. Personally, I think the vicious attacks on Afrikaner farmers stem from three things: recent history, African culture and radical left-wing ideology. During the ANC’s terror campaign in the 1980s, they not only placed bombs in diners and supermarkets, but they also buried limpet mines on farm roads, blowing up white families, as well as black farm workers. So this culture of terrorist violence has taken root and still continues by other means. A game farm in South Africa The second factor is not politically correct to mention, but it needs to be said that in traditional African culture there is a fascination with the power of horror and violence. A few hundred people are still murdered every year for body parts to be used in so-called muti or “medicine”. So mix terrorism with horror and you are on your way to unstoppable violence. The third ingredient is left-wing ideology or what Americans call “liberalism” which amounts to the same thing. There is a whole industry in South Africa, but mostly funded from abroad by Scandinavian governments and American liberal foundations, which advocates radical land reform and Soviet-style collectivist agriculture in our country. To them private property means next to nothing and they indirectly encourage some of these Einsatzgruppen to just go out and kill white farmers indiscriminately. They are dreaming of a brave new world without family-owned or privately-held farms and the murders suit them. Land reform and the propaganda around it are fuelling ethnic conflict in South Africa which few outsiders are prepared to acknowledge, except the organisation Genocide Watch which looks at it more analytically in terms of other identity conflicts world-wide. There definitely is a risk of full-scale genocide in South Africa, although for the moment the organisation for that is largely lacking. At present it is more of a random process, driven by the three factors mentioned above. It is also important to understand that whites and blacks do not naturally hate each other. The current conflict is being driven by outsiders – Europeans, Americans and perhaps even Mugabe who has accused Mandela of being “soft on whites” – who will gain through a collapse of South African agriculture. They will be able to buy land, machinery and other agricultural assets on the cheap and so extend the neo-colonial hold that they have on our country already.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:12:16 +0000

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