Landed through a thick grey cloud bank in Nice, Promenade des - TopicsExpress


Landed through a thick grey cloud bank in Nice, Promenade des Anglais looking wonderfully miserable, Mediterranean choppy and moody as hell, mirroring the Monday mood of my internal landscape: not depressing or perturbing, moodily reassuring – you know the feeling?, Arrived at Jeff Hessings loft by the port – huge canvasses in various states of transformation into the works of art thatll hang on walls from Boston to Shanghai and pay the bills, he and I discussing the world, economics, the little discussed rising dangers of neo-facsism throughout Europe, freedom, the human condition and how best to manage it, when all of a sudden, almost as if the editor did a jump cut, there we both are filling up a trolley with dried fruits, nuts, radishes (I love radishes and would marry or commit my heart to a radish if I wasnt so content traveling solo on this leg of the journey), and food to cook for dinner, noticing how that offsets any trace of disorientation from finding myself back in the old country and stomping ground of much of my magnificently misspent youth – food is grounding, even just the thought of it, especially when its the sort of thing you got used to as a kid – getting telepathic flashes of Frederique, who Ive not seen or spoken to for months whos had no idea Im in town, we get back unpack the food, start leaning into the dried fruits and radishes, and who should turn up but Fred. Gratifying noticing Im switching into French and my French sub-personality seamlessly, fluently, automatically, gratified to spot dementia hasnt taken grip of my linguistic faculties - Freds excited about the fact Id also come into his mind powerfully twice in the last two days and now here I am. And now were three men gabbling away in French and it doesnt matter about what – the state of the world, Freds new body warmer, me getting the final all-clear from the docs this morning on the cancer front and hardly giving a toss as I was way more focused on sorting the cash flow situation when they called – and whether thats sheer rebelliousness, bravery, or madness – and all that kind of thing – and me making a point of stating aloud what a beautiful moment this is, the three of us sitting together, because I believe its important to do that lest the moments pass without noticing. Fred leaves, I get ready to start working on a new tune for this very slowly coming to light but steadily developing Jeff n Steph music project, Electric Window weve been doing for two years and not released a single tune yet – preparing psycho-energetically, that is, as well not get started on anything in a sonic or phonic sense till at least midnight. And preparing, going from sublime to ridiculous here, to meet the Monaco royalty in the coming days and wondering if theyll appreciate my frayed G-Star jeans, which it occurs to me are the only leg-wear I have with me – perhaps Ill stitch some ermine trim down the seams to at least hint at a royal-appropriate look as I make my curtsey or bow or whatever daft gesture of deference Ill no doubt make despite myself. And feeling – and this is the point of me writing as I have a hunch you may be feeling somewhat similar in a more or less, kind of, sort of, sort of way, and that you might find it comforting me sharing like this with you (I like to comfort), ramshackle and meandering as it is – feeling as if the whole world, reality, my perception of reality, has gone kaleidoscopic on me, all aswirl and multidirectional. And while usually I can see what to do, where to go, who to speak to, what to say, and so on, right now Ive not a single clue. But I do know its from these moments of souls coming together aside from the personalities, aside from the competing with everyone and vice versa, aside from the posturing and leaving impressions, from these moments of coming together and sharing the love and the recognition of the miracle of existence, that great mutual soul-level sustenance is derived. Its been a weekend of soul-sustenance – Brighton on Saturday, hanging out with my beautiful buddy, John Parkin, doing three events together at the Mind, Body Spirit festival there, and then doing a properly stonking Electronic Therapy party together at The Basement, and afterwards at 2 in the morning going over to another beautiful buddy, Adam Freeland, and the magnificent Coco from Vienna, and on it went – beautiful connections of love at the soul level – thats what sustains us – that and remaining in a loving rapport with the mysterious background presence within us, whence issues that still small voice, which I can hear beneath the noise of my thoughts, insistently telling me something – I can hear the sound but the words are feint - “must”, or is it “trust”, or is it “bust”, or is it “thrust”, I simply cant tell but am sure I will in due course. Its fun isnt it. Despite all the trials, tests challenges, roadblocks, diversions, traffic jams, obstructions and difficulties, we must remember that at all times – its fun. Were here to enjoy it. Thats the whole point and purpose of it all – the Great Background Presence manifests itself as you and I so it can enjoy itself through us. And I hope youve enjoyed this rather mad Merry Monday missive, written entirely for you. CHI!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 20:10:56 +0000

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