Landing pages are one of the most effective methods to generate - TopicsExpress


Landing pages are one of the most effective methods to generate leads for your business. Optimize your landing page, promote it with online advertising and retarget any lost leads - that’s the way to increase leads and generate more income in online marketing. A landing page is hosted directly on your website, so you can both develop interest in your company and get those essential initial conversions. Before you jump feet first into developing your website lead generation campaigns, let’s take a look at 30 landing page terms you need to know. 30 Landing Page Words You Need to Know 1. Landing Page - Technically speaking, a landing page can be any page on your website that a person “lands” on when they click through to it. However, in marketing terms, a landing page is a page on your site specifically designed for one purpose. That one purpose is usually to generate leads or to start a sales conversion process. 2. A/B Testing - Is a method of controlled online marketing experiments. You have a control (‘A’) and a variable (‘B’). You test variables to optimize your landing page and get the best results. 3. Above the Fold - This is an important term in online marketing. Above the fold means anything your visitor sees without having to scroll down. When you are making a landing page, it’s important to know that most visitors don’t scroll, so you need to keep your marketing features ‘above the fold’. (Think of ‘above the fold’ in newspaper terms - it’s everything you see on the front page when the newspaper is folded) 4. Control Page - In A/B testing, this is your initial page you want to improve. 5. Conversion - A conversion is when a visitor acts on your ask, and becomes a lead. 6. Conversion rate - The percentage of visitors who convert on your page. 7. CTA - A Call-to-Action is the ask you have for your visitors. It is usually your short, action oriented phrase like “Get yours today” or “Try it out - it’s free”. You can make a CTA button to create an obvious visual for your ask. It should be what a visitors eye is drawn to immediately after landing on your page. 8. Cumulative Optimization Gain – This is the optimized result of a series of A/B tests to gain higher conversions. 9. Domain name - Your website is hosted on a domain name, or in simple terms, your web address. For example, Wishpond’s domain name is: corp.wishpond 10. Email automation - Also known as Marketing Automation or a Lead Nurturing Campaign - it is a series of emails that can be triggered when a person completes the forms on your landing page. 11. Email-gated - This means a person must give their email in order to receive your content or offer. 12. Friction - These are the elements on your page that are preventing a viewer from converting to a lead. For example, you might have too many CTA’s, or not enough value propositions. 13. Form fields - These are the input fields you want your potential customer to fill out. When you are generating leads from your landing page, this includes an email field. There is a fine balance in how many form fields you put on a landing page - you don’t want to ask for so much it discourages a sign up, but you want enough information to send out targeted follow up emails. 14. KPI - Key Performance Indicators are the specific metrics you use to track and measure your campaign objectives. For example: number of leads, number of visitors to site, pages visited, etc. 15. Landing page template - A pre-designed landing page that you can use or customize for your business needs. For example, Wishpond has a variety of email-gated landing page templates. 16. Layout - The design of your landing page. 17. Lead - A lead is contact for a potential customer. A lead can be qualified (highly interested prospects), warm (prospects who know about you, and are getting interested) and cold (someone who likely doesn’t know you - think ‘cold calling’). 18. Lead generation - Lead generation is how you get your leads. In online marketing, landing pages are a great lead generation method to get warm and qualified leads. 19. List of benefits - This is a list to convince your visitor that your business, offer, product or service is something so valuable that they simply cannot pass it up. 20. Mandatory form fields - The forms that you require your potential lead to give you. For email lead generation, you need the email field to be mandatory, and will require at least a first name. 21. Mobile optimization - A landing page that is optimized to be seen on any device including phones and tablets. 22. Responsive design - Most mobile optimized landing pages (such as Wishpond’s landing page templates) have a responsive design to adjust to the size of the screen on which it is viewed. 23. ROI - Return on Investment measures how much money you get from your marketing efforts. To calculate it, take your revenue minus the cost of goods sold divided by the cost of goods sold. 24. Sales funnel - Your sales funnel is made up of the stages involved in getting a sale for your business product or service. 25. Social endorsement - Also known as social proof or even influence marketing - it shows proof that other customers, influencers or friends like your product, service, page or business. 26. URL - Your URL is your web address for any pages on your website. In other words, when you make a landing page on your site, your URL will be unique to that page. For example, the landing page templates on Wishpond’s site are at: corp.wishpond/landing-page-builder 27. USP- Your unique selling point is, essentially, what sets your business apart, and what makes you the one your prospect will choose. It’s also known as your competitive advantage. 28. Value Exchange - This is the offer you give in order to get the contact information from your page visitors. You need your offer to be valuable enough to motivate the action. 29. Value Proposition - Your value proposition is like your USP, but it is specifically about your landing page offer or campaign. It’s the primary reasons why a viewer would choose to convert. It answers the potential customer’s question: “What’s in it for me?”. 30. Variations - In A/B testing, these are the changes you make on your page to test and optimize it. Conclusion There you have it, now you can speak like a landing page pro. To learn more about landing pages, check out these related articles: Landing Pages: How to Sell your Product without Selling your Product Landing Pages: The Fundamentals and Conversion Principles Landing Pages: Optimizing your Landing page for Lead Generation How to A/B Test your Landing Page to Maximize Conversions 7 Landing Page Mistakes that are Costing you Conversions 3 Plumber Landing Pages Critiqued with Optimization Tips 21 Ways to Generate Leads from Your Landing Page What do you think? What additional terms does someone need to know to use landing pages better? How have you used landing pages in your online marketing? Written by Krista Bunskoek @ Wishpond
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 20:00:21 +0000

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