Lane the Chairman First of all before I start congratulations - TopicsExpress


Lane the Chairman First of all before I start congratulations on the incredible success of TNF it’s been a revelation. When you began TNF could imagine the success it has become today? Hi James thanks.I always hoped TNF would be a success at a decent level but I never dreamed it would become what it has. We are watched by over 100 countries currently so its pretty overwhelming. Given the incredible success how do you stay so grounded? I just take.everything in my stride.when it gets too much I think what would alex ferguson do What inspired you to start TNF? Mainly Jesus.he was the best at his profession.carpentry and world building.I thought might as well aim high... What has been your highlight in TNF so far? The overall progression of everyone.1st week drink breaks were planned, now we have to be told to general everyones contribution. What sort leader would you describe yourself as? Proberley a mix between Adolf Hitler and Pat Sharpe. I want global.domination but I want people to have fun too. You obviously have a very steady home life, has your wife Suzanne been a support to you? Not going to try explaining how big TNF is but I get a shhhh Im watching hollyoaks.her loss. Obviously in TNF you are a Friend first a boss second, is it difficult to separate the 2? Sometimes yes. I.mean.some things drive me.up.the wall like wrong colours,lateness, slippy floors,ben in goal etc.But after the 60 mins What do you do when you are not running TNF, what makes Chairman Lane tick? Work play and poetry. After this question reporter lewis and chairman lane enjoy a brief walk around the stadium. (Lane)in there is one of the players- pointing to sun booth. (Lewis)who? (lane) streety.Always in there.dont think.hes.been home (lewis) its not plugged in tho (lane) dont tell him You have recently brought James Lewis in as Vice Chairman what was the idea behind this and how will it benefit TNF? He has always had the enthusiasm for the role.his in depth reports have been amazing. What can TNF fans expect in the future? How are you planning to keep expanding and improving the game? Im thinking of bringing in a player from each ethnic group.I.think.I can capitalise on worldwide revenues With this in women tho Where do you see TNF in 5 years? La liga Premier league TNF Luke the player How is the hardest opponent you have faced? Probably NeilCresswell.he has good timing and concentration. Who do you enjoy playing with the most? Probably Richard Arnold he organises well.and is very unselfish. Favourite goal? Tony browns header or james lewis first goal Worst performance? Ben Smith in goal.last week.shoot on sight never been many times. How do you view your own performance so far? Inconsistent. As we leave the stadium lane points to a broken light fitting. (lane) yeah Stone did this.jeopardised to say I wondered if it was worth continuing when I walked in to see glass everywhere. (lewis) how would you describe Steve? (lane) *muses* clumsy.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:54:17 +0000

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