Language the Hypnotic program The meanings inherent in the - TopicsExpress


Language the Hypnotic program The meanings inherent in the English language indicate the ancient understanding of the process of culture. The words cult, culture, cultivar and cultivate all indicate a process of effort toward the continuance of the ideas and forms of life and knowledge. There is also the implication that the living things are learning and adapting. A cult is an assembling of people around some idea, especially a religious idea. It is a process in which the people learn certain ways of living and certain beliefs about the world. This body of knowledge is then passed on within the cult. When one cultivates a plant or crop, the living things are given attention and their lives are guided in certain ways. A variety of plant that has been cared for and whose optimum individuals have been selected over many generations is called a cultivar. "Domesticated" plants are cultivars. Our English language is constructed, to allow subliminal, suggestions and symbolism, to be injected without a risk of detection, and most importantly, so the ritualistic entranced elite of the world will never see, or become aware of, the manipulation process they perpetuate. They throw in all kinds of ridiculous hidden messages, telling us that the luciferian Mind did this, and at the same time indoctrinate us through the religious and the educational systems. Religion has hypnotized the human race. We have been convinced we are lost sinners and in dire need of a saviour. This fear-based trauma tactic has deceived humanity for centuries. It is imperative to explain the many forms religion manifests itself. Read on and the insidious and conniving mindset of the luciferian hypnosis will be recognized. This involves examining the origin of the number system and the language system. The creation of astrological, numerological and scientific formulae is based on the multiples of 10 and 12 - we were introduced to these in school as the 10 times table and the 12 times table. So as we examine the alphabet and language manipulation, keep in mind that we will be looking at the systems from a non-scientific point of view. You’ll never see what they’re up to if you approach it scientifically. They created the scientific systems (science/seance systems) of the world and schooled us (school is skull – as in skull and crossbones) to believe that it’s FACT, when in actuality, it’s a total fabrication – Lies! When simplified, the number system is based on 1, 2 and 3. The number system manipulates 1 beam of light with the duality of 2 opposing characteristics – positive and negative – north and south – male and female. These characteristics along with others, form the duality of religion. A beam of light has 3 primary colours (red – yellow – blue), 3 primary shapes (a line – curve – angle), and 3 primary parts to sound (volume – tone – rhythm.) The system that manipulates energy can easily manipulate humanity when enough methods of seduction (or enough wires of thought, which is energy, are coiled around us, as in an electromagnetic field) are introduced. These systems are derived (similar to the basic religious trinity idea), from the manipulation of a beam of light. The single beam of light is highly symbolic and immensely powerful to the luciferian group.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:43:35 +0000

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