Lara asks: Hi there - I really need some advice and support - TopicsExpress


Lara asks: Hi there - I really need some advice and support please. My baby is almost seven months old and since he turned six months we have been doing BLW. He has never been spoon-fed. Its going pretty well. He is managing to eat more and more gradually and getting more coordinated with getting the food to his mouth, mashing it up better with his gums, and swallowing more and more. Weve seen the evidence in his nappies, put it that way! Yesterday I took him to be weighed and he has dropped to below the 9th centile when before he was always between the 9th and 25th. The HVs advice was (shes against BLW I know and I didnt want to argue with her so didnt mention we werent doing traditional weaning) to try to cram him with dairy - add grated cheese to his food, put double cream in everything etc. which horrified me slightly. Ok, first of all I dont understand - in all the BLW literature it clearly states that at this early stage i.e. under 7 months old my baby should be getting what he needs from breast milk and not from solids, and secondly how can I up his calorie intake through BLW if Im just offering him food and hes eating as much / as little as he wants / what he wants from what is on offer. Ok I can try to offer more dairy e.g. cheese / yogurt on pre-loaded spoons (which he copes pretty well with already) but I dont think this would have as much of an impact on his weight as if I were to spoon-feed him double cream as the HV is effectively suggesting as he wouldnt be able to manage to eat loads. I am totally confused, feel like everything contradicts everything else and am really worried about my babys weight now and that by doing BLW I am jeopardising his health somehow. This afternoon after he had eaten some avocado on toast by himself, I spoon-fed him the rest of the avocado in the bowl. This is totally against BLW and my own approach that I have been using up to this point, but my worries about his weight are pushing me to do this even though I really dont want to. Please help! I just dont know what to do for the best. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Should also add that I am breastfeeding on demand as I have been from the start. Hes an extremely active baby and is never still apart from when hes asleep, and hes above average in length (91st centile) which may impact his low(er) body weight. Thank you so much in advance for any advice. Lara
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:51:44 +0000

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