Large uncontrolled government is not only bad, but evil. Why is - TopicsExpress


Large uncontrolled government is not only bad, but evil. Why is anti-American good; while pro-American is bad? Posted by Dan Short on June 10, 2013 at 8:19am View Blog Why is anti-American good; while pro-American is bad? Is it not amazing that if you are against this nation—you go to the front of the line! If you are for atheism and against the Christian foundations of this nation—then you can put a monument in a national…government owned…park. If you are one of the dementia of islamism, you can have a place to pray in the San Francisco airport, but you can’t have a cross of Christ or any application for Christianity on any government building, or even mention this theology in our ‘public indoctrination re-education camps’ we call our academic environment. Now here is the coup de grace of unbelievable irrationality. This latest incident of Edward Snowden is the climatic example of the anti-American, non-nationalism, and nihilism of those who would ‘fundamentally transform’ this nation. Who that can just read, and reason, can make some comparative between the traitorous actions of Bradley Manning and the actions of Edward Snowden? Have we lost our collected minds, accepted this irrational willingness of disbelief to make insanity the constant, and reason never considered? Where are all those insanics those insane maniacs that were so busy making signs telling the world they are Bradley Manning? Or is it that because Manning was against this nation—he is a hero! And that Edward Snowden was doing what? He was protecting Americans from the greatest danger known to mankind—government. Anyone who can make a comparative between these diametric opposed ideas is absolutely insane—a true insanics…an insane maniac to the highest level. Is it not unconscionable to by simple observation to observe the destruction of this nation occurring? If an American—is there not a few questions we should be asking? Here is one, why is our own government worried about the people in this nation…who are actively participating to preserve this nation—by the way the exact oath that our public servants take ‘to protect and preserve the constitution of the ‘States’ United in America’—are the target of the bureaucracy directed by the government? Why are those who are Americans preserving this nation are attacked—while those who are determined to destroy this nation are given the ‘assistance’ of the power and the wealth of the ‘largess—expecting their vote in return’ of the public treasury…by those who believe in central planning an centralized government to conduct this nihilism! Is it not amazing, that those who are anti-American—whatever this nation does is wrong—can be activated to support those against this nation; but when one does something wrong to protect the ‘liberty’ and rights of this nation’s citizens, is ignored? Have we been so programmed to this acceptance of nihilism, by the propaganda of our own government, and the allowance of those of cultures not of this society into our nation—that we have forgotten that the wonder of this nation is so unique, there is no other on the face of this planet, now or in the history of literate man—that compares? I’m personally sick and tired of anti-American is good—American is bad! This is the indicator that we are losing our society, our culture, and our wonder. There is one enemy of this nation; that enemy is the average American citizen that followed the dementia of Antonio Gramsci’s design to destroy this nation; ‘we don’t talk about religion, money or politics.’ If you talk about anything else but politics, as our nation is under attack and may not survive—economics as the actions of government is destroying our monetary and fiscal policy of this nation—and religion, as the philosophy of this nation is based on the idealism of Protestant Christianity—then you as an American citizen are as guilty of this nation’s ‘fundamental transformation’ as the communist who have been elected and are destroying this nation through their continuum of nihilism!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:21:18 +0000

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