Largest Independent Voting Bloc in Arizona Gets Behind Civil - TopicsExpress


Largest Independent Voting Bloc in Arizona Gets Behind Civil Rights Leader Rev. Jarrett Maupin for CD 7 What do key swing independent voters of Arizona do with regard to politicians we endorse? We put our centrist hat on and split the baby in the middle. We believe that baby is Reverend Jarrett Maupin who is running for Congressional District 7 in Arizona. More importantly, I am a big believer in the Black and Brown Coalition considering how Tea Party Republicans enjoy pitting the Black against the Brown community. Rev. Maupin comes with considerable Civil Rights leadership experience under his belt, and he is the only candidate who can participate in both the Black and Hispanic Caucus in Washington D.C. because his mother is Mexican American. Maupins mother is Mexican American and his father is Black. That said, Maupin has an incredible history in the Immigrant Rights arena, too when he took the bull by the horn with regard to the Central American Children Refugees when a Civil Rights Delegation toured Nogales. All the other candidates were SILENT. We cannot be passive anymore, and we must be assertive on immigration. We want to signal to key swing Independent voters of Arizona to vote in support of Jarrett Maupin. Our group is led by Mexican American women and we are organizing the growing Chicano/Latino Independent and Women voters. We support politicians who put people before party. Below is our video on why we are supporting Rev. Maupin for Congress. somosindependents/largest_voting_bloc_in_arizona_gets_behind_civil_rights_leader_rev_jarrett_maupin_for_cd_7
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:36:18 +0000

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