Las Cruces TEA Party : Please come and consider signing up to - TopicsExpress


Las Cruces TEA Party : Please come and consider signing up to be a member again. We need all hands on deck. What are we going to do this year? Preserve our liberties! No man can do it alone and it has not been lost by one man. Let make waves in the public discourse. For Freedom, ~Bev The January Tea Party Meeting is Thursday, January 22nd, 2015. It will be held at Mountainview Christian Church at 241 Three Crosses Ave. in Las Cruces. The guest speaker will be David Clements and he will be discussing Police Powers. Also please check out the letter below submitted by Carol Cooper to our board at last weeks meeting. Dear Friends of Las Cruces Tea Party, On Thursday, January 22, the Las Cruces Tea Party will meet to elect officers for the coming year. I have hesitated long enough to express the concern I have about electing and re-electing officers without having a stated goal(s) which make some folks better suited than other folks to serve in leadership roles. Perhaps as important as leadership roles are the roles each of us should assume to support our leadership and accomplish our goals I believe thoughtful, well-educated Americans are rightly concerned that our policy-making governing bodies are almost non-functional when measured against the United States Constitution. The chaos we live with tempts many of us to say I cannot see what I can possibly do to help this muddled mess! As we continue to monitor what goes on, and as we continue to pray, I think we cannot do other than whatever is our personal best to preserve the United States of America - where men and women in doing and being their best have made us free from oppression by those beyond our borders, free to worship our Creator or not, free from physical want, free to speak our conscience, free to investigate the ideas of our minds and the dreams of our hearts. The United States Constitution envisioned that the citizens should largely govern themselves - individuals would provide for themselves and their families and create wealth (additional resources) from their God-given resources. The citizens needed to be well-educated, and they needed to be moral to fulfill their responsibilities to God and their fellow man. The role of government was to be very limited - broadly stated to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. As most of us lament, the role of government has grossly expanded, taking on roles no amount of money can make appropriate for government. While all of us are affected by government involvement in our personal lives, we have worked ourselves into the situation where only 50% of our electorate votes for what affects us all. Sometimes Democrats cast the votes; sometimes Republicans cast them, but in recent years civil discourse between thoughtful individuals examining problems which affect us all and seeking solutions which will solve the problems has not been occurring. OUR PROBLEMS ARE VERY SERIOUS, AND IF WE DO NOT RE-LEARN PROBLEM-SOLVING TECHNIQUES, THE SEVERITY OF OUR DISFUNCTION WILL BECOME EVEN WORSE! How can we, the Las Cruces Tea Party, serve our community, State, and Nation? WOULD YOU CONSIDER as our goal for 2015 to present to our political representatives at the beginning of 2016 (or periodically during 2015) a compilation of suggestions and observations gathered as follows: 1) Each Tea Party Member host a gathering of up to 10 people (family members, neighbors, fellow-workers, friends with whom you share a hobby, etc) , but whose political labels are diverse. 2) Ask the group to identify and as a group prioritize problems which affect the public domain. 3) Ask the group to discuss possible solutions to the problems it has identified. 4) Ask the group to identify groups especially affected by the problems/solutions - either positively or adversely. 5) Record ideas proposed; record when the group feels it would like to have more information; record special expertise demonstrated among the group 6) Ask the group to vote on preferred solutions. 7) Ask the group members to reach out to others in their own circles of friends and relatives and have their own civil discussions. 8) When we encounter an area on which we need more information, see if Tea Party can arrange for a special program. 9) Share our findings with our political representatives. Support means more than checks written. As you can see, I am thinking our government is dysfunctional because we attempt to solve problems only with those who think like we do. If we are not of the majority party, we think our ideas or concerns will never be heard; we often do not even vote if we think our candidate does not have a chance of winning! We need to engage in civil discourse with folks who wear different labels, and we need to demonstrate to our representatives that we encourage them to do so as well. What we want are good answers! 50% of us represented is not what was envisioned when our country was founded, and it is obviously not working for present-day Americans. Our country is much larger than it was in 1776, but that means we have more intellect, more hands, more energy to solve the dilemmas before us. Perhaps my suggestion is not just the right thing for us to do, but together we can figure it out. Come join us Thursday evening - lets see what we can do Gods blessings to each of you Carol Cooper We hope to have a new slate of proposed Board Members to hear from prior to voting on them in January. We need to hear from any volunteers interested in serving on the board. Remember, only the current members for 2015 will be eligible to vote in the election next month and they must have paid their dues prior to the end of December. We will have lots to talk about after the election and the installation of the new Senators and Representatives earlier this month and plan ahead for the 2016 election so we can get a good head start on our plans to obtain a good result in that one as well.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:34:52 +0000

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