Last Call for Carne Tour Update: I decided to take the day off - TopicsExpress


Last Call for Carne Tour Update: I decided to take the day off today. Perhaps I have reached FLESH OVERLOAD! :/ I needed to give my digestive system a break. I had planned to visit Five Guys Burgers this afternoon, but I vetoed the idea. When running errands with mom earlier today, we drove by an Arby’s and she invited me for lunch, but I too declined that invitation, even though a regular Arby’s Roast Beef Sandwich and/or an Arby’s Beef N’ Cheddar sandwich are two of my favorite items when it comes to eating Roast Beef. Again, I just wasn’t feeling it! Tomorrow is the end of the line for the Last Call for Carne Tour! The Grand Finale will of course be revealed tomorrow! Should be ONE HELL OF A MEAL! And after resting my body today, I will most likely enjoy it that much more! As I end my meat eating days for at least the next year, I do want to list a few things that I just didn’t have time to get to. Again, these are just personal favorites that come to mind off the top of my head. My apologies if I overlooked anything or omitted a favorite in error, after all, I have consumed A LOT of meat in the past week and a half and I really do not feel myself! I want to pay homage to these delightful carnivorous treats because I have enjoyed them immensely in days past. 1. A Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner and leftover Thanksgiving Turkey Sandwiches. We shall go without the gobble gobble this time around. 2. KFC; no time to experience that finger licking tasty fried chicken the colonel serves up. 3. A staple “go to” in a pinch, a Costco hot dog, either plain or with the works! It always hit the spot when I was starving and needed a quick bite to eat. 4. A Lawry’s Prime Rib Dinner with all the trimmings! OH THE JOY OF THAT MEAL! 5. As I already mentioned above, an Arby’s Roast Beef sandwiches with or without the Cheddar Sauce. 6. Five Guys Burgers & Fries, also mentioned above and one of my top “Go To’s” when I was craving meat. And those tasty spicy French Fries always made a nice addition! 7. A Johnny’s Pastrami or The Hat Pastrami Sandwich with melted Swiss cheese on top. 8. My mom’s Pot Roast. So tender it would just fall apart when you stuck a fork in it AND ever so flavorful! 9. A Habit Cheeseburger fully loaded. 10. An El Torito Chicken Fajita Salad, the one that they make right at your table. If you have never had one of these and you like chicken, give it a try! SO TASTY! And the chicken was ALWAYS so tender and juicy! 11. Morton’s Happy Hour Filet Meat Sliders! PURE JOY to the taste buds and the meat just melted in my mouth with every bite. So that about covers some TOP FAVORITES I never got around to trying one last time before I say ADIOS to meat for the next year. I think someone asked the question as to WHY I was giving up meat earlier, and I am not sure if I answered the question when I read the comment on one of my posts, but I thought I would take the time now to tackle the question. Here is why I am giving up meat. I am not giving up meat because of how beef, pork and poultry are produced. The production of consumable meat for the masses leaves a great deal to be desired, but this is not the main reason I am going meatless. My reasons are purely physiological, metaphysical and spiritual in nature. Let me briefly address each one of these. The consumption of meat has been known to cause cancer in humans. In short, we are consuming dead carcasses into our bodies that will further decompose and rot within our digestive system as they are being processes. This rotting waste left inside the body latches onto the digestive track wherever it is deposited and decays there until we flush it out of our system with a cleanse, by fasting, performing a colonic or ingesting excessive amounts of fluids to flush this decay out. Meat consumption also ages the body more quickly. And, meat consumption requires a great deal more energy to digest, robbing the body of energy that could be used throughout the day in other ways to enhance our lives. Anyone ever heard of a food coma? LOL! Excess meat consumption is also a leading cause of heart disease. Hence, a long time ago I drastically reduced my red meat intake to ward off many of these scenarios. From a spiritual and metaphysical standpoint, I am looking to further connect with my higher self. Water-rich food diets consisting of fruits and vegetables allow you to function in a high vibratory state. You simple have a lot more energy eating natural foods that are produced by Mother Nature than you do by consuming something that has been killed. In addition, your body’s energy centers also become more open and receptive to the energy and flow of the world around you. I am referring here to the seven body chakras when I am speaking of our body’s energy centers. Plant based water rich diets have also been known to rejuvenate the body and cure long term ailments or disease. In an effort to actually experience all these things that I have read about and mentioned above, I am going to put this to the test. Hence, after tomorrow I will not consume anything that walks on land or crawls on the bottom of the ocean or lake floor or a lake riverbed. I will still consume fish and the occasional shrimp for needed protein and fish oils not available in plant food. I will also consume eggs and a few dairy products, but not many. I will strive to consume as much organic foods as I can when ever possible. And, for the most part, my diet will be vegetarian in nature with the occasional meal involving fish. I believe a person that conforms to such a diet is referred to as a Pescatarian. So that’s it! This next year is actually an experiment in an attempt to reach higher consciousness and cleanse my body! As always, I’ll keep you posted! Good Night All! Stay tuned tomorrow for the GRAND FINALE of the Last Call for Carne Tour! Sweet Dreams!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 04:28:17 +0000

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