Last Cloud Update For A While: Yesterday was Cloudy’s last - TopicsExpress


Last Cloud Update For A While: Yesterday was Cloudy’s last session of chemotherapy. It was very emotional. It’s over. There’s nothing more we can do. She was more distressed than before and really cried when the nurses took her through, and needed a pressure bandage because she wouldn’t keep still. We are happy it’s the last one in this respect because that aspect was quite upsetting. When she came out, though, she was absolutely fine, ate two sausages and just wanted to come home. Once back here she had two HUGE dinners and slept (with the help of Susan’s Reiki) for ages. So now we just get on with it until November, when she goes back for a scan to see if anything’s there. She’s doing really well and, now it’s cooling down, we will be taking the pair of them to Chips Field regularly so they can run about like idiots (and Jack can sit in the big bucket of water). With all the terrible things that are happening in the world it would be easy to revert to my old default position about people. All I have to do, though, is look at Cloud and I’m reminded of how absolutely great you’ve all been, how grateful we are, and, in the final reckoning, that if a group of people can come together to save the life of one small dog… what CAN’T we do?? You saved her life. Thank you. And for now, cheerio. x
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:49:11 +0000

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