Last Day in the Mara : It began with 2 jackals defending a kill - TopicsExpress


Last Day in the Mara : It began with 2 jackals defending a kill from pesky vultures. Every few minutes the jackals would pin their ears back and fight the birds off. One even losing some feathers. The stunning cheetah brothers were relaxing by a bush oblivious to everything. The mating lions were only interested in sleeping . After all, it is day 6! Three big golden, maned brothers were doing the same a short distance away. Just up the hill a jackal pair with 5 little pups were running around the den. One pup was so curious with our vehicle he didnt see his family run away and was left behind. I hope his mother came back to get him. The afternoon was spent looking for leopards. The mating pair were nowhere to be seen. So we took a trip along Sand River...the border between Mara and Serengeti. This is a beautiful part of the Mara and not often frequented by traffic which adds appeal. Here we found 6 lion cubs lying on the sandbank on the waters edge. Their 2 mothers keeping watch a short distance away. Heading back to Keekorok we found one of the leopards in a tree. Not long after we arrived, it descended stalking a herd of wildebeest. We thought a kill was impending but it gave up and walked directly towards the vehicles before wandering up the hill towards bushes. What a way to end a safari I thought. Time to head for camp and I sat back and watched the small animals...the more common ones that seem to get overlooked. Zebra, gazelle, wildebeest, waterbuck, warthog.....They are special too. But one more treat was in store. A 2-3 metre long python was wrapped around a bush. Ever so slowly it untangled and came out into the sunlight. It slithered out then made a hasty dash towards bushes.I have seen snakes before but never a python. Almost back to camp and the last rays of sun project like maasai spears from behind a cloud. The Mara and the last remaining wildebeest herds are in shadows. Walking directly towards us is a herd of 14 elephants. A scene only reminiscent of Amboseli. With the engine off the only sound was their soft footsteps on the dry earth whispering Goodbye it seemed. Goodbye to the Mara and its magic. What an amazing time I have had here over 5 safaris this year. Many thousands of images both on hard drive and in my memory .Its impossible to count. All this would never have happened without the dedication of my guide Dedan. He has put in many, many hours of constant all-day safari driving . Frequently over rough terrain. He is the BEST!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:41:12 +0000

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