Last February, it gave agricultural economist Jayson Lusk and - TopicsExpress


Last February, it gave agricultural economist Jayson Lusk and right-wing Hoover Institution fellow Henry I. Miller op-ed space. They took full advantage. Headlining “We Need GMO Wheat.” Saying “not a single acre of genetically engineered wheat being grown commercially in the United States.” Claiming wheat farmers and consumers lack “the benefits of (so-called) newer molecular techniques of genetic engineering.” A litany of misinformation followed. Touting nonexistent benefits of GMO crops. Ignoring their hazards to human health. Vandana Shiva calls genetically transformed seeds “food totalitarianism.” Waging war on human health. By corporate giants like Monsanto. “We would have no hunger in the world if” ordinary farmers controlled their own seeds and land, she maintains. Calling enormous sums the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation spends on agricultural research and assistance “the greatest threat to farmers in the developing world.” “If you look at the graph of the growth of GMOs, the growth of application of glyphosate and autism, it’s literally a one-to-one correspondence,” she explains. “And you could make (the same) graph for kidney failure…for diabetes…for Alzheimer’s.” For other diseases. Clear evidence shows GMO foods and ingredients are toxic. Unsafe to eat. Harmful to human health. Producing hazardous intestinal bacteria. Responsible for numerous illnesses. infertility. Immune problems. Accelerated aging. Faulty insulin regulation. Gastrointestinal abnormalities. Major organ changes. Lower life expectancy. Roundup pesticide used for GM crops causes birth defects. GM soy causes sterility. Americans don’t know what they’re eating. Labeling is prohibited. Violating First Amendment rights. The Center for Food Safety (CFS) calls GM plants and animals “one of the greatest and most intractable environmental challenges of the 21st century.” Over 90% of US soybeans are genetically engineered. Around 85% of corn. About 88% of cotton. Cottonseed oil commonly used in processed foods. Over 80% of them contain GM ingredients. From soda pop to soup to salad dressings. Crackers to condiments. Potatoes to “super” pigs. Bananas to baked beans. Despite known harm to human health, no congressional legislation regulates GM foods and ingredients. Americans are human guinea pigs without knowing it. Part of an unregulated mass experiment, Entailing enormous risks. Once GM seeds are planted, nothing known to science can reverse their contamination. Over two-thirds of arable US farmland is affected. Despite known human health risks. US politics trumps science. Unsafe foods and ingredients are declared fit to eat. So far, wheat is GMO free. For how long remains to be seen. It’s one of America’s three major crops. Along with corn and soybeans. GMO crops are toxic. Poison. Hazardous to human health. Banning them should be mandated. Don’t expect The Times to explain. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” claritypress/LendmanIII.html Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 12:00:11 +0000

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