Last Friday I was thinking about a card Stevie made me for my 15th - TopicsExpress


Last Friday I was thinking about a card Stevie made me for my 15th birthday. I thought I had it in a box of pictures I have of us and pictures shes drawn me but I couldnt find it and got really upset. On my way home from work Monday I called my mom to chat and she told me she found that card, not knowing I had been looking for it. Inside the card it says, I will love you til my dying day, that is from a song on the movie Moulin Rouge which is one of our songs. That little construction paper card is one of my most prized possessions. No words can describe the bond that we have. And it hurts more than anything not to have her and that pain never stops but lately its been unbearable. I find myself talking about her to people constantly because I just wanna be around her and talk to her and see her so bad. Sometimes the only way to get through the day is to keep thinking, its ok, youre gonna see her later. Youll see her when you get home. Only to come home and shes not there. Then its, shell be home after work, next thing ya know Im in bed saying goodnight an I love you and theres nobody there across the room. You cant understand unless youve been through that pain. The pain of waking up and reliving all the good and bad and pain all day, going to bed heartbroken cuz that person or people arent here anymore and wake up the next day just to do it all over again. And it never gets better. And my heart breaks for those that know that pain. But I rather live through that everyday than never have had her at all. There are so many people that will never experience a bond or love like Ive had. My soulmate was with me from the moment I was born. She should be here but Im so glad Ive had the time with her that I have. We will always have each other, forever an always. Theres nothing that could put a distance between our hearts. I love you Rae, my spider sister, my june bug, my soulmate, my one love one heart, my everything. đź’•
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:15:38 +0000

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