Last I posted Gabe was having his seizure episodes every two - TopicsExpress


Last I posted Gabe was having his seizure episodes every two hours. We continue our quest to find the “right” meds to help him. Gabe was monitored for 48 hours, wearing a device that had many multi colored probes that ran from an electronic gizmo to his head. During this time Gabe had his episodes every two hours like clockwork. We were certain that the doctors would have enough data to diagnose his issue. However, the neurologist told us that the data showed nothing to suggest seizures or that anything was happening to him. Once again this life long journey reminds us that we will most likely never be content or comfortable within our situation. The doctors have decided to admit Gabe for 5 days at the Hershey Hospital starting Dec 1 – 5th. Again Gabe will be hooked up to that device with the many colorful wires; in addition he will be videotaped. They are hoping to get a handle on what is actually going on here. I was never convinced that these episodes are in fact seizures. Kari and I are grateful there is no procedure that Gabe will have to endure; still it will be difficult going back to the hospital where three years earlier Gabe was laying in a bed fighting for his life. Yet we are also grateful it is at the same hospital that saved the life he was fighting so hard to keep. We just pray that something will come from this round of testing. I am taking the Dec 1 – Dec3 off of work to be with Gabe and sleep over. Our family likes to have fun, laugh and act like fools. I will have to constantly say to myself, “You are being videotaped!” Take care and I will post any results as they become available to us.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:31:30 +0000

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