Last Marathon Training Report from Ireland - Ok, its been a weird, - TopicsExpress


Last Marathon Training Report from Ireland - Ok, its been a weird, terrifying 2 weeks. I started to get a very harsh pain in my right knee there, once or twice it was so bad I was limping. I decided to keep off the training for a week and, if I felt better, Id kick back into gear after the Bank Holiday weekend. Tuesday rocked around and I started to feel as good as new again. Nice one I thought, so off I popped to the gym and said to myself Id just do a nice easy 5k run on the treadmill to see how i got on. After 2k I started to feel a twinge on the outside of the knee again so I immediately stopped and went for stretches. Fears of this happening 2k into the 42k bad boi this Sunday was making me sweat profusely, it was pretty depressing. The thought of having to drop out felt like a bleak, heartbreaking prospect. At this stage of the game, like, it would have been just dreadful. I quickly rang the physio the next day and thats where Ive been for the past 3 days, lying on a bed with some dude going hammer and tongs at the oul legs. My IT band, which is the muscle that goes from my arse to my knee, supposedly was the problematic key to this whole situation. But the good news is I feel amazing, no pain, and now I know what to do to control the bastard. Big thanks to Pearse Street Physiotherapy Clinic, they were so good. Although fear crept back as the physio said Id most certainly be feeling pain for at least the fourth quarter of the run but once the anti-inflammatories keep going in, the ice is kept on it as well as plenty of stretching, I should get through it without tears. Getting the flight at four o clock tomorrow afternoon, a combination of excitement and nerves wave over me at a monsterous rate. I just got my Movember jersey in the post there and it fits like a glove. Lets be having ye, Big Apple! Ive got my chainsaw and Im about to carve myself off an extra large slice. See you in NYC.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:23:54 +0000

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