Last Month Ukraine /In - TopicsExpress


Last Month Ukraine /In Review //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Soross Amerika and his clone Obama have a new banana republic - Its called Ukraine. The ill-reputed U.S. financial tycoon George Soros may be appointed head of National Bank of Ukraine. In May Hunter Biden (the son of Vice President Joe Biden) was appointed Director for Ukrainian main gas company, in order to prepare for USA total control of the Ukrainian energy sector. Recently, the Ukrainian oligarch-president Petro Poroshenko who continues to say , Ukraine wants independence , appointed three foreigners as key economic ministers in Government. One of them is Natalya Jareshko, a former USA Foreign Ministry diplomat from Virginia , who renounced her U.S citizenship after leaving her government position , and then flew to Kiev , took citizenship there , and was appointed their Minister of Treasury the following day. Now , there is word that American Billionaire George Soros may be appointed head of the National Bank of Ukraine. APA reports that Ukraine’s Channel 112 disseminated this information quoting sources in the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) and people around Petro Poroshenko. Presently there are 5 candidates including Soros. Among them , are representatives of the U.S. Federal Reserve . Edited by Leland Cole — with Kevin Hester .....https://facebook/leland.cole.1/posts/854876691201820
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:29:08 +0000

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