Last Night I took my girlfriend out to the Drive-In to catch a - TopicsExpress


Last Night I took my girlfriend out to the Drive-In to catch a Double Feature and lemme tell ya, I cant remember the last time I saw two really Awesome Movies back to back like that! We watched Enders Game first, followed by Last Vegas, and BOTH movies were so damn good, Id even go as far as to say that, they both had Oscar nominations written all over them, and for completely different reasons too! Enders Game was literally Out of this World wicked!!! It is based on a best selling novel (Enders Game by Orson Scott Card) that picked up numerous awards back in the mid 1980s , and this epic movie is undoubtedly one of the most refreshing Science Fiction/ Action movies released in an extremely long time! The phenomenal story line, writing and absolutely stunning acting, all worked extremely well together in this flick, so I wont ruin it for you. But I liked it so much, that all I am going to say that I recommend Enders Game to anyone with a pulse, and I give this movie a Siskel and Ebert two thumbs up! Last Vegas also gets two thumbs up too... No Doubt! ...and for a totally different reason all together! Both the writing and the acting were even better than world class in this picture as well, but when you add on the delivery of Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas and Kevin Kline, you truly get a one of kind kinda movie! Though one could describe it as The Hangover with old guys, it really is a much, much better comedy than that...really. This flick not only has a great story line, but also some seriously solid punch lines, that had me cracking up pretty damn good in the car at the Drive-In last night. Its literally been years since Ive seen a movie that cracked me up like that! ...and my girlfriend was laughing even more than I was! So rather than ruin it for you, Ill just say that a few actors on this roster could easily be nominated for best actor, or supporting actor, in a comedy...and I would definitely check out BOTH of these awesome movies if you get a chance! It totally was time well spent tonight...and a very rare pretty much perfect night out too!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:14:27 +0000

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