Last Saturday evening was date night with my - TopicsExpress


Last Saturday evening was date night with my sweetheart, Christopher. He borrowed a friends car for the evening. Since neither of us owns a car, travelling anywhere by car is special. We began with a light, relaxed dinner at the Kensington Café. Then, it was off to see a film at the Latino Film Festival. Instead of a drama, thriller, or romance, we decided to see the documentary, Cesars Last Fast, which chronicles César Chávez struggle for the rights of farm workers, here in California, right through to his highly-publicized fast in the late 80s. There was a question-and-answer period after the screening, with the films director. Although this is not his first film, this documentary, which was seven years in the making, holds a special place in his heart because his father was a migrant farm worker for 22 years. A filmgoer asked the director if it was his intention that his documentary on César Chávez was to be released at the same time as the big Hollywood film, César Chávez. He said that it was purely coincidence -- however, perhaps not. Maybe it was destined to reach a different group of viewers at the same time. The big studio film boasts stars such as John Malkovich, and Rosario Dawson. But, the documentary film is pieced together with actual news footage from the 60s, interviews with César Chávez himself, plus current footage of recent interviews with other people associated with the farm workers struggle over the last 40 years. Excellent documentary, and still an important issue today. The conditions of farm workers have not changed drastically over the decades. Our current governor, Jerry Brown signed legislation in the late 70s that is still being rectified today. This film is going to be more widely available soon. :) :Alessandra Moctezuma, Jordan Gascon, Clark Austin, Rick Cervantes, Janet Leak-Garcia https://facebook/cesarslastfast
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:00:47 +0000

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