Last Stand of the Empire. The rally near the Kremlin gathered 1.5 - TopicsExpress


Last Stand of the Empire. The rally near the Kremlin gathered 1.5 thousand people Bulk before detention. Photo F.Kiryeyeva Bulk before detention. Photo F.Kiryeyeva This trick Russian authorities have applied in the last Olympic cycle, when in 2010 gave a second term Khodorkovsky. The verdict on December 30, the day before New Year - what if people do not want to be distracted to protest for this occasion. But this time the story was twisted even more dashing. Alexei Navalny received a suspended sentence (again), but his brother Oleg Navalny - the present. This immediately called the hostages. And really difficult to find any other word, if not punished as the main opponent of power as his next of kin. And here, too, duplicity - say, what people protest, the very same Alexis did not seem to put ... Last Stand of the Empire . Photo O.Kudrin However, once it became known that the verdict brothers moved from January 15 (as stated earlier) on December 30, social networks exploded with indignation. Pussy Riot quickly made the movie The Witches sweep Manezhku. At the Kremlin. 30.12 19.00 . (The Kremlin - is this plot flight path witch on a broom after sweeping, not what you think). So the number of people who said their participation in an unsanctioned rally on Manege Square (between the Kremlin and the Duma) according to some estimates quickly exceeded 10 thousand. And now approaching long-awaited time. Advance learned that the center of Moscow, fences broken into sectors flooded paddy and security forces. A Metro Okhotny Ryad besides going masks Cossack. However, Metro is on the way out first. However, a direct path to Manezhku blocked. We must make a detour, avoiding the fence. Near the former Lenin Museum freezes surprise - many-Trade Last Stand of the Empire. However, this is not about today, and the First World, but still throws in a shiver - firstly - 17 degrees, and secondly, a premonition of World ... Spaskoy ziggurat towers. Photo O.Kudrina Between the museum and the reconstructed hotel Moscow - Special machines with two surveillance cameras and spiral antenna. It seems to work on the same square (though short-lived, while Tatiana Chornovol one of them climbed). And now he ... no, not a rally, its not legal. A national assembly that does not require registration. A lot of media of all kinds. Already in a few minutes past seven in megaphone say that the action is illegal, and should disperse to avoid arrest. All laugh in response. At this point in the crowd ... That is not, what kind of crowd are real citizens! So in their environment appears crazy idea that had now come here without permission, and in the center, fifty thousand, the authorities have realized that the Muscovites, Russians, so you can not behave rudely and arrogantly ... And now a considerable band of really suitable, but unfortunately - is Kazak with the flag. Old-timers area unwelcoming to them: Hey, masks, which are sad? Smile! Clowns entertain the audience with . Imposing Kazachi Colonel and his wife, the beautiful (well, purely general P. Čarnota of Lyuskoyu) begin in an interview with Radio Liberty, Rain (and who is still interested?) Tell me that they will not allow to destroy. Kazak shouting Shame! And they depart to the paddy wagon, even without a fight (so far without a fight). Manege. Democrats, the press, the Cossacks. Photo O.Kudrina People animated because there was a rumor that goes Bulk Manege. But soon the disappointment, Ekho Moskvy reported that the approach to space Alexei detained and returned to the place of house arrest. Then begin chants. But since fanivska playfully rozihrivalna Who does not jump, he ... demonized in Moscow, the only sound the slogan: Ukraine, we are with you! No Putin - not war, Putin - thief! Oleg Navalny freedom! Why only Oleg? - Is heard among the people. Freedom Navalny! Why only flood? Bulk Photo detention before F.Kiryeyeva Everyone Freedom!, We are the power!. Now - consensus. And the old Russia without Putin on the fly tuning is turning to New Year - without Putin!. Then Glory to Ukraine! - Heroes of glory! . But it immediately turn: Glory to Russia! - Heroes of glory! . Rally in the background Duma. Photo O.Kudrina Someone shouted, and the rest picked up: Crimea - not ours! But then some said that their position (as in Navalny) complex. However, the requirement of a referendum held again, without the military, in compliance with all laws and international observers, one chants will not fit. Okay left ... Here is the first foray titushok (Moscow caught word). Fight, flash cameras. Calls not yield to provocations. Supporters Navalny distribute red round stickers with his name remaining on the election of the mayor of Moscow (Lord, how hard to believe that it was just over a year ago). Over gathering up many red circles. Against the background of the Kremlin, they look nice and symbolic. But early in the dream, because the Cossacks with the flag again start walking up and down the neck of one of them, a girl with a sign No Square!. Along smaller poster - do Maidan? You drive in Magadan (How are afraid Square. Aleshkovskyy blogger Mitya, who was in the paddy wagon, said that there is first of all asked: Someone is Ukraine? It seems they believe they have created is insidious pravosyekiv ). Again, a little hustle. People with George Ribbon throw eggs. Broadcasters downturn (Nonsense, but the lamp is broken). Present chanting Kazak - in paddy!. But pay attention to the windows of the hotel Moscow - the second floor. They loom several people, each with binoculars. From there spetssluzhbistskym Napoleon perfectly clear conditions. Gathered a half thousand people. This is not fifty thousand or even fifteen. You can overclock! Special machines hebe, as the Maidan. Photo O.Kudrina 20.40. Called reinforcements. Metro closes the exit towards Manezhky. Participants, as expected for instructions dissect into sectors and crowding. Basically - aside Metro Area Revolution (symbols names no one notices). But you can go to Tver. I go there. And then commander points his finger and policemen snatched from the crowd-known human rights activist Lev Ponomarev. (They say somewhere nearby and grabbed Dmitry Bykov, but in this case, looking at documents released - perhaps the police Citizen of the poet» listen). Vidtisnennya and detention lasts an hour until ten at night (according to various sources in the police department Arbat, etc. Hamovnykov delivered from two to three hundred people). And then, as someone wrote on Twitter: I think all .... Then - silence. I go to Red Square. Spasskaya tower under repair in the fence. In appearance - the spitting image of Babylon ziggurat, on both sides, however, illuminated road lighting, simulating the surface construction parallelepipeds red brick wall, tile, icon clock. And if you go by Basil, you can see a third party building fences, simple and crude. At the junction view - phantasmagoric. However, it is consistent with what is happening today in the country ... Yes, this is probably perfectly accurate symbol current Russian regime - the road, however, rough imitation of ancient relics. Oleg Kudrin, Moscow.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:11:03 +0000

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