Last Sunday before Christmas... This year has went by so fast..Wed - TopicsExpress


Last Sunday before Christmas... This year has went by so fast..Wed will be 5 months since I lost you. But I know you are happy where you are.That is the only thing that helps me.. I think about you saying you want to see grandpa and you werent afraid to die... I felt the fear you had the last month you were here.I keep seeing you in the car when I took you to the Dr in July..telling me mom I am dying and it was hard to chew but get over it :( we both had tears in our eyes and I had already been told you had at first 6 months then told 1 month but you werent here that month.. I guess its best to go on and get it behind you so the suffering will be gone.. I am very proud of you and Tammy. You because you were always a firl BELIEVER of God and a great fighter to the end... Tammy because she went through a lot too and told you that you could stay at her house and not go into Flo Jones.. You were right here with us so we wouldnt have to leave.The ladies from Hospice were very sweet ladies and always told us what was going on... the truth,that was all we wanted. Kelley and I were talking about you today,He miss being here with us and I hate knowing he is the only one that will not have family to be with for Christmas.He has never been alone... He was going to Andrews,he has to fill out papers tomorrow and get it in for leave... He is trying to talk himself out of coming home.. I told him what ever he wanted to do was fine with me,he was the only one that knew if he could afford it or not... Little tight wad wants to save all he can and not spend all his housing.but When you have everything you need I would do the same... Caden is really growing,We should see him an a couple months... I hate for kids to be away so long because they tend to forget us... I havent heard anything from Matt.Always pray they are warm,fed and safe.. I went out of the house 1 time today and that was to get water out of the car,it was cold. The house is not hot like last night,cool one night hot the next,hope it dont make us sick.. Watch down upon us,God does a great job but we like for loved ones to help.. There are so many friends that has lost a loved one too and I try to cheer them as much as I can,I know how they feel and when they get down even if it has been 3 or 5 years it is still heavy on their heart.. Always will be mine... I am going to close and will have our chat later,I love you to the moon and back from my heart to yours in heaven for ever and ever until we meet again...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 03:38:35 +0000

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