Last Sunday my Uncle Leo and Aunt Mary were here visiting from - TopicsExpress


Last Sunday my Uncle Leo and Aunt Mary were here visiting from Arizona and I had the privilege to spend some precious time with them. They are incredible people and so full of life and love. I hope they come back soon. Dad had a big family and of all his siblings there are only 2 left. Moms family is dwindling as well. I wish so badly that I had appreciated how special these people were to me when I was younger. It just seemed theyd be here forever. Obviously, that is not the case. I am so sad to have lost both my parents but I know they are home with their Jesus for all eternity. I love my husband Larry and our two children Meg and Sam more than I could ever express, I love my siblings so.....very much, and I love my Aunts - Uncles - and cousins too! Each family member has been crucial in fashioning my life. Good or bad each experience has had a profound effect one me of which Im sure they have no knowledge. My cousins on both sides are very close and value family as I do. Mom and dad made sure we interacted with all our extended family. Believe me, Im sure there were days when my 12 siblings and I were a handful to keep up with at the gatherings. Thank you mom and dad for the effort in making sure we all stayed connected! Relatives on the Navarra side (moms side) share a love of faith, music, and family. Those values are just as important today as they were when our grandparents and parents were alive. Faith and music are a gift like no other. Mostly for me music has been a vehicle to strengthen my faith and to Worship; to Honor God. The same is true for most of my siblings. I always loved Christmas caroling all over town to older relatives and friends. Music filled the air and our hearts. Thank You God for Your gift of music and family. Relatives on the Wenning side (dads side) share of love of family and faith. They, like my Navarra relatives, have a strong connection to the Catholic faith. I remember all the Wenning reunions at Aunt Ruths and Uncle Carls. Oh, what great times we had. Every year was different with all kings of games, a white elephant sale, and water fun. I loved when my cousin Jodi came to town and we would be allowed to visit her at grandmas. Recently, I had a wonderful conversation with my cousin Steve and he even came to our home and trimmed our bush and a row of trees. It looked amazing. I have so many fond memories of time spent with my extended Wenning family. What impresses me so much is even though mom has been gone over 20 years and dad has been gone just over 10 years my Aunts and Uncles continue to make great efforts to always include my family in family gatherings. They reach out, they connect with us, and never cease to amaze me in how they love us. We sure love them too! This may sound like we have the perfect family and extended family. Well, let me reassure you that we have plenty of issues and some very different personalities. We are far from perfect. What is a fact, is that we love one another in spite of our differences. Mom and dad never allowed us to think we were more special or deserving than any other person. We knew that family was extremely important and there was plenty of love for everyone. From the outreaching of other relatives I believe their parents taught them the same values. That love and sense of belonging has been spilled out to each one of us 13 siblings. I pray that all our extended family members know that we share that same sentiment and love them equally. I know there are some of my immediate and extended family members that have suffered much adversity, lost loved ones, and have had the joy totally zapped from their life. They are so troubled inside and they truly deserve to be set free from their anguish. They deserve to have JOY and PEACE; to know that they are not alone in their sufferings, that they need only reach out to Jesus and hold on. They need God and they need Jesus. Jesus is the bridge between God and man. He died for us that we might have life (eternal life in Heaven with Him and God). He gives mercy and grace, and He forgives. He brings the peace, compassion, and assurance we need. Hes reaching out just waiting for you to come. As we grow older and time flies, we realize just how precious each day is. None of us have the promise of tomorrow. I pray for my entire family (immediate and extended) that they know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior; they have an authentic relationship with Him. It doesnt matter if you are a dedicated church goer, have strayed from church, or just plain given up on religion. Jesus doesnt care about your past, He wants to give you a new life and its NOT about being religious or being a really good person. Its all about the relationship; a relationship with Jesus. He is calling you right where you are and no matter what your condition. He loves you and me so much and desires that no one, NOT ONE, would perish. Once we accept Jesus into our hearts then we begin to see changes in our lives and we begin our journey with Jesus. I promise you will never regret your relationship with Jesus! I love you all so much and I want you to have the same JOY and blessings I have in Jesus. I want us all to reunited in heaven one day. I love you my precious family and I will always treasure your love and support! Debbie
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:26:51 +0000

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