Last Thanksgiving since I just had back surgery again my dad, - TopicsExpress


Last Thanksgiving since I just had back surgery again my dad, stepmom and Molly came to NC to see us. While they were here we went and seen the ending of the best movie, Im still a little shocked my dad sat through a twilight movie, I seen a chocolate fountain for the first time and laughed at some chubby kids that were fighting over it and plenty more things. That was the last time I seen Pam. That was a good visit with them. Then we stayed here for Christmas. I dont think people realize how much can change in a year. Too much can change. While people are complaining about how it isnt fair that some people have to work tomorrow or jokingly talking about how they are thankful for stupid things in their lives, I think maybe people should realize whats really important. Having your family or people you care about in your life. Someone was complaining that their mom had to work tomorrow, Id much rather my mom still be alive and working tomorrow and be able to see her, so people should stop complaining. Or Id love to have a time machine to go back to when I was little and she could cook and look not so sick. Or maybe Im wrong. I was under the assumption its things like that, that you are supposed to be thankful for. You still have that person and their health. Work around their schedule and get over it. You never know if you will have another Thanksgiving, stop spending your time complaining. I just recently deleted a lot of people off of here because I cant stand liars or hypocrites. People that called themselves family. And thats ok, Im sure its hard for such Godly people to live with such a guilty conscience. So while we are talking about what we are thankful for, I am thankful that God made me level headed and honest. I may piss you off with what I say but at least its the truth. I think anyone that has REALLY known me in my life could tell you how I really am. A lot of people around here dont know what the word family means, or maybe I was just raised differently. And Im glad I was. I would not want my kids growing up thinking the way half the people around here think. And I hear so many people complain about their husbands or wives but they have to put on a show in front of this whole town and pretend everything is perfect. Idk why, this is Lincolnton, population 10, everyone knows your business before you do BUT I know I am a pain in the butt, I know David is a pain in the butt, but I cant complain about him. Weve been married 10 years and sometimes I really sit and look at him and wonder what it would be like to really clobber him over the head with something heavy but I love him, I couldnt live without him. Some people need to learn what the important things in life are while they sit and complain this Thanksgiving.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 00:13:50 +0000

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