Last Time I Checked The Invasion of Afghanistan Was Ordered By - TopicsExpress


Last Time I Checked The Invasion of Afghanistan Was Ordered By G.W. Bush Back in 2001 Till Present, With Him Asking The Taliban To Hand Over Osama Bin Laden and Expel al-Qaeda From The Country, The Taliban Expelled al-Qaeda and Bin Laden But Refused To Give Him Up As The U.S Had No Tangible Evidence, Then It Was Believed He Was In Iraq, Invasion And The War Of Iraq Began On March 2003, With Beliefs That Bin Laden Is Hiding In That Country. Was He? Naaaah. Then He Was Found In Pakistan, Good On Them, Then They Pursue Muammar Gaddafi In Libya With Accusations That His Ill Treating His People. A Country That Has Been Documented Not To Have Before Gaddafi, Literacy In Libya Was Only 10%. Since Gaddafi’s Leadership, Literacy Has Risen To 90%. Undernourishment in Libya is at 2% – a figure lower than that of the world center of “democracy,” the United States of America. Education from grade school through to college is free in Libya. Healthcare is free and Libyan pharmacies and hospitals are comparable to high-quality European facilities. Libya ranks No. 53 on the United Nations Index of Human Development. Libya has the highest standard of living in Africa. In 1969 before Gaddafi it was the lowest in the world at just $60 per year income Libya gives free land and seeds to anyone who wants to farm that land. There is virtually no homelessness in Libya as everyone is given a home. Women in Libya have equal rights, not only as a philosophy, but in practice. Under Gaddafi’s oil-revenue-sharing program, each Libyan gets $500 (Dollars) deposited into his or her bank account each month. For any medical care, operations, or health treatments that are unavailable in Libya, the citizen is given full expenses for travel, treatment and accommodation abroad to wherever is required for the treatment to be given. No other country in the world done this and is doing this. Yet they say no democracy in Libya? #BigQuestion On marriage, each couple is gifted $60,000 to do with as they please; furnish their home, take a holiday, honeymoon, buy car, etc. Libyans have a direct participatory democracy based on People’s Conferences that puts other “democracies” to shame. ---- Now tell me which western government does this? Prior to Gaddafi revolutionary re-making, Libya was a large US military base used for bombing trainings. Libya was home to the largest US military base in North Africa. If They had a base in Libya they would have had to speak to Gaddafi himself to approve of it, so why hunt down and kill someone whose giving you refuge in their country for you to commit your bad deeds, then you tell the world his anti democracy. How Many African Americans Are not Happy With The White House running and rulings, should they ask President Vladimir Putin with his Russia To Intervene. # What Makes Me Sick The Most is Boko Haram Is Commit Mass Murders Of The Same Crime As Other Leaders Have Been Accused Of, But Nothing Is Done Bout It, Is It Coz Its In Africa Or What? # Rest In Peace To The Victims Of The Paris Attacks. #RIP Nigerian Victims and All families Affected By The Mass Killings Conducted Tattoos by myttoos Boko Haram I#Nigeria.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:52:06 +0000

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