Last but by no means least the post about Lady and her buddy - TopicsExpress


Last but by no means least the post about Lady and her buddy Smudge that were evacuated to me. My wonderful vet Fiona at Adelaide hi asked me if I could take on a tb mare from the fire zone that had been badly injured. Not through the fire but while being evacuated. These horses are often forgotten along with their owners as they werent burnt out and still have paddocks and houses to go back to (I also had another 2 injured horses here and one may or may not have been because it was evacuated but it certainly didnt help). Doesnt mean the emotional turmoil or stress or financial burden has been any less. The fear the horses and owners felt is just the same and will always remain with them. Lady and her paddock mate live with their owner Olivia and her parents Penny and Simon at Carey Gully just near Lobethal and directly in the path of the fire. They had no float and couldnt evacuate the horses so decided to take them to the neighbours where the paddocks were at least irrigated and not just dry grass like their own paddocks. With the fire actually fairly close and in all the smoke etc Lady was entangled in a barbed wire fence. They managed to keep her calm and put a halter back on her but as they removed a piece of broken wire from over her head/neck she thought she was free. She then tried to get up and Simon was then also badly injured in her struggle. She received horrific injuries and Simon was taken to hospital by a neighbour with bad cuts and bruising and rope burn. It must have been terrifying for both Penny and Olivia to see not only their horse but also their father/husband in that state. Vet was called and after 2 and 1/2 hours of stitching had run out of suture material. Still in a fire zone and surrounded by smoke and an out of control bushfire. She was then evacuated to Lobethal to the Polo Grounds and I think was moved again after that. She came here on Monday with a gelding also owned by Olivia called Smudge to evacuate him and also to keep her company throughout this. Her injuries are as follows full deglove of front offside leg from elbow to below knee injury on rear nearside cannon bone that extends up into hock joint area tear in rear offside above pastern area that involves area close to tendon sheath large tears in neck body area one very close to a main artery large chest tear with flap other cuts some deep some superficial to entire body and legs None of the above injuries are life threatening if they dont involve the main leg structures. The question was obviously made as to her quality of life and what was best for her and I can assure you she is a fighter and in no way wants the alternative, but yes it was discussed. Her owners had to evacuate their home twice that weekend and if it wasnt for the rain i doubt it would still be standing they were literally on the fire front when the rain came. She is happy and healthy and is a model patient and loves a scratch. She is cheeky and has such a lovely nature and we are happy to have her here for as long as it takes be it weeks or months. She misses her owner and her owner misses her but she will get through this and enjoy the rest of her days. Donations have come from so many places for this mare for bandages, injection supplies hay etc etc. Her vet bill will be partially paid for as well. This little Lady is by no means out of the woods but each day is getting closer to knowing. We are not asking for or wanting anything so please if you wish to donate something donate to your local CFS. I will also be donating 10% of the money for any horse i sell in the next 6 months to my local CFS cause in all honesty they really are the heros of the day
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:27:49 +0000

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