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Last day to send in your submission!!! Please Share with Everyone! Urgent Action Needed on Animal-Tested Cosmetics Since 11 March 2013, the marketing of animal–tested cosmetics[1] has been prohibited within the EU by Regulation 1223/2009 on Cosmetics Products. This measure enjoys majority public support across the EU and marks a historic step forward in both the protection of animals against unnecessary cruelty and also support for the development of superior, non-animal testing methods. The implementation of this Regulation depends significantly on the commitment of each Member State, so it is crucial that we push hard for the strongest enforcement possible in Ireland. The Irish Medicines Board ( is responsible for enforcing these regulations, and they are currently holding an important public consultation exercise. The IAVS is making a detailed submission, but it is vital that caring individuals also take this opportunity to speak up for animals – submissions from members of the public carry significant weight. · We have drafted a sample letter for you (see below). · Please try to personalise it as much as possible. · Email to [email protected] before 28 June 2013. · Why not send a copy to your TDs and ask them to support these recommendations? Sample Letter to Irish Medicines Board Consultation To: [email protected] Dear IMB I strongly support the ban on the sale of animal–tested cosmetics which came into force on 11 March 2013 as a result of EC Regulation 1223/2009 on Cosmetics Products (particularly Article 18). I believe this measure enjoys majority public support across Ireland and marks a historic step forward in both the protection of animals against unnecessary cruelty and also support for the development of superior, non-animal testing methods. The IMB plays a critical role in the effective enforcement of the animal testing prohibitions, and I was heartened to read Minister White’s pledge in the Dáil that the IMB will be pro-active in ensuring the law is upheld. I do hope this pledge is faithfully honoured. The draft ‘Guide to Cosmetics Products for Responsible Persons (RPs)’ which you are currently consulting on is another key tool for achieving proper implementation. These are my comments on the consultation: 1. The animal testing prohibitions need to be emphasised as a key aim in the Guidance to focus RPs’ minds on their responsibilities – e.g. flagged up in the ‘Introduction’. 2. RPs must be required to reveal in Product Information Files (PIFs) all data about all relevant animal testing – i.e. not restricted to before to 11 March 2013 - in order to promote full disclosure and full compliance. Many international cosmetics companies still test on animals in order to market brand new chemicals, so I believe there is a potential for such companies to misclassify cosmetics animal testing under a different, legal purpose, in order to evade this regulation. 3. RPs should also be required to explain the steps they took to ensure all statements in the PIFs relating to animal testing are complete and accurate. 4. All data on any relating animal testing should also be made available to the public, as this an issue of significant public interest and myself and the public in general have a right to know where their money is going and the provenance of the product. Yours faithfully [Your Name and address]
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:22:53 +0000

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