Last fall, our Board passed a resolution, by a 7 to 1 vote, to - TopicsExpress


Last fall, our Board passed a resolution, by a 7 to 1 vote, to direct charter school growth this year. It essentially said we would consider only charter schools in certain areas that are overcrowded or conversion charter schools. Several charter applicants complied with the resolution. One did not. This applicant vowed to open where it wanted. Our administration- which is supposed to follow the directives of the Board as stated through policy- did not follow the dictates of the Boards resolution and recommended the charter school even though it met none of the Boards requirements. Although the school initially got a bad recommendation from our charter review committee, only two months later, it received a glowing review. Last night, our Board disregarded the charter growth goals we set and voted in this new charter school. What sort of precedent does it set for the Board to disregard its own resolution? What sort of precedent does it set for the administration to ignore policy changes by the Board? What sort of precedent does this set for future charter applicants and others who will now know that Board policy really doesnt matter?
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:30:01 +0000

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