Last few days in Mexico...I cant believe its almost over. I have - TopicsExpress


Last few days in Mexico...I cant believe its almost over. I have had some people ask me about the process of designing a project like this. Whenever I do any project like this- I know that I initially go into it with only a narrow view of what the true need is. Though I spent months asking questions, listening to what the orphanage needed, talking to the staff and designing the most effective way to meet these needs--I always discover the magic hidden need after the workday is over and the people have left....and I have had the time to really sit and observe the staff/children/routines/and visualize the future. There are a few key common-needs that you will see designed into every project that I do- I think that until the most basic foundational needs are other programs/education/books will be effective. So- this is why I always begin with the necessities of Food and Water. We create organic gardens in every project that we do, and it targets so many underlying areas of need from nutrition, to physical activity, outdoor-education, community-building, creating safe-spaces, and places for intergenerational-sharing. Water is LIFE! Getting Clean/filtered water-fountains for the orphanage was an absolute necessity- but we had no idea how we were going to do it. The amazing Michael Drew, Andrea Reindl and their incredible family came to the orphanage for a day- and can I just say- the universe works in incredible ways- as they generously offered to support getting clean water for these amazing kids for the future! The goal of our projects is really to create bridges to bring in access to what there isnt access to for these communities. Time again we find that most underserved communities are missing access to the Arts, Music, and Mentorship. This mural project absolutely transformed a forgotten, ignored, barbed-wire-security wall into a place of inspiration, magic and will allow this space to be repurposed for stories and imagination to come alive. Ben Croft and Darren magically brought music into the orphanage for this project- completely unexpected! And then we brought in the greatest team of mentors I could possibly imagine through Awesomeness Fest. Along the way, we also identified a need that was not able to be articulated by the staff- but they needed basic organization/flow and for us to help rework the space in the laundry-clothing-wash room so that it saved them time and energy. With 50 pairs of shoes and hundreds of clothing items to wash daily--the women at the orphanage needed a way to make their lives easier, more organized and less chaotic- and the building team completely rocked this project- and gave them a space that allows for their lives to be just a little bit easier every single day. And now the final stage is looking at the long-term impact- how we can best meet the needs for 6 months/1year or 3 years down the line? I am changing my flight so that I can stay an additional 4 days to get it all completed (If you would like to sponsor any of the below...we are at a point where we could really use financial and hands-on-support- to complete this project in a truly Awesome/lasting way). - Paint the final finish on the murals- ($50 for the poly finish needed) - Planting, amending and feeding the soil (hands needed most or $35/day gives me a wonderful local assistant to work with for the day) - Irrigation ($300- for drip, new hose, hose nozzles, fittings to fix leaks and $50 for kids watering cans) - Mulch (for water-and soil conservation) ($200 includes delivery) - Making a plant-use-map/design and (just Love needed :)) - Flight change fees ($450- unless anyone has connections with AeroMexico or tricks to getting change fees waived.) - Designing a garden-outdoor-education-empowerment curriculum that can be used for the future so that the kids can have focused-intentional-play-time that is interactive, nourishing, empowering and educational at the same time. (priceless ) - Supporting weekly classes with the kids that combines outdoor education/empowerment/nourishment/and compassionate communication- ($200/month) If you want to Feed a community for 6 months- Give them a Garden...but if you truly want to Nourish them for a lifetime...we have to teach them HOW to GROW! Thank you to everyone who made this project possible- The entire MindValley/Afest team, The most Awesome Team Leaders imaginable- Eli Call, Tessa Winiarski, Rachael Alaia Acundaya, Çhristopher Justiçe, and Stephen Brooks. I feel so honored and grateful to have had the chance to work with all of you. Thank you Michael Drew and family for supporting getting the clean water- (and for inspiring me with Mouse-nuts:), Thank you to Eli Call for your generous support, going above and beyond by helping to get matching donations- and for all of your time and mentorship that you shared with us. I have learned so much from you in this project- and I will take those lessons with me into every project I do in the future. Tessa Winiarski who literally donated 12 days of her time towards the project and was painting up until an hour before she hopped on her plane!!! There is no artist in the world I would have rather worked with- your dedication, drive, heart and follow-through blew my mind. I feel so honored to work with you. If you would like to support this project in anyway- donations for the project itself can be sent via Paypal: GrowingtheChange@gmail After this week- all donations can go directly to the orphanage and I will post how you can sponsor a child for as little as $30/month for the future...stay tuned and thank you all so much for helping to make this project possible. It is only possible when we join together for a common good- I am just the vehicle right now being used for this- but you all are the real life-force of the project- you are the fuel- and I could not do any of this without you. Thank you all so much...
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 17:33:19 +0000

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