Last modified on November 9, 2014, Renaissance Dam Renaissance - TopicsExpress


Last modified on November 9, 2014, Renaissance Dam Renaissance Dam Yeh Thorough Country Ethiopia State / Province / Province Bnichencol- Gumuz [1 Coordinates 35 ° 0535 E / 35.093056 ° E Watercourse Blue Nile Goals The goal of increasing energy Rbaúah Owner Energy Commission Herbaúah Cost $ 4.8 billion [ Barriers Dam Tkulai type, Concrete High barrier (M) 145 meters The The length of the barrier (m) of 1800 meters Generators Number of turbines 16 × turbine capacity Production capacity of 6 thousand MW Annual production of 15 billion kilowatt Website Official website Renaissance Dam or the Great Millennium Dam (In Amharic: ህዳሴ ግድብ «Hdassa Jadib («Ethiopian dam is under construction located On the Blue Nile state Bnichencol- Gumuz Near the Ethiopian border - Sudanese, At a distance of between 20 and 40 Km [1]. Upon its creation is complete, Expected [2] of 2017, will become The largest hydroelectric dam in the continent African, and tenth in the list of the world Largest dams for electricity production. [1] estimated The cost of accomplishment $ 4.7 billion US [2]. It is one of three dams Commends for the purpose of hydroelectric power generation In Ethiopia. [3] There is concern among experts Egyptians about its impact on water flow Nile and Egypts share of them. Background The riparian states of the Nile River In the former colonies to foreign countries and then These countries gained independence. And first appeared agreements to split water Nile in 1902 in Addis Ababa Held between Britain as the representative of Egypt Sudan and Ethiopia, and provided for the lack of The establishment of any projects-whether on the Nile Blue, or Lake Tana and the Sobat River, then Agreement between Britain and France, in 1906, and appeared in 1929 Agreement Others, [4] and this agreement include the adoption of Basin countries share Egypt gained from Nile water, but to Egypt the right to Objection in the case of the creation of these countries New projects on the river and its tributaries. [5] This agreement was between Egypt And Britain (which was represented Kenya and Tanzania Sudan and Uganda) to organize a benefit Egypt Lake Victoria. [6] was The allocation of 7.7% of the flow to Sudan And 92.3% of Egypt. [4] 1956: 1964 - Positioning The final bridge the great renaissance of the Ethiopian Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam by US Bureau of Reclamation States Bureau of Reclamation (one of the departments US Secretary) during the scanning process Blue Nile was conducted between 1956 and 1964. In October 2009 and August 2010 The Ethiopian government survey process Of the site. In November 2010, was completed The design of the dam At March 31, 2011, and the day after One of the announcement of the project, has been granted Contract worth $ 4.8 billion without providing Competitive bids for the Italian company Salini Costruttori April 2, 2011 in the development of the Prime Minister Former Ethiopia Meles Zenawi Meles Zenawi foundation stone of the bridge has been The creation of rock crusher along with Small airstrip for quick transfer of aircraft In April 15, 2011, the Board re- Ethiopian Minister naming the dam as the Dam Great Ethiopian Renaissance Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD., Where he was initially It is called X project and after the announcement Contracts for the project called Dam Millennium Millennium Dam. In May 2011, announced Atyubiaanha Will share the dam schemes with Egypt So that it can study the impact of the dam on the Downstream. In March 2012, the government announced Ethiopian promoted to design a power plant Kahrabasud, and increase from 5250 MW to 6000 MW. From Expected to be the first two generators ready To work after 44 months of construction Opposes Egypt (which is located on the estuary The river) to establish this dam, which believes it Reduces the amount of water you get From the Nile. Justifying Zenawi (Prime Minister of Ethiopia Former) - based on the study did not reveal Them - that the dam will not reduce the availability of water For the mouth and it also regulates the water for Irrigation. • The financing of the dam of bonds Government and private donations. It is Scheduled to be completed in July 0.2017 Design Dam will be tall, with a A height of 170 meters (558 feet), And a width of 1,800 meters (5,906 feet) of Type weighted (in English: Gravity Type) composed of compressed concrete (English: Roller-compacted concrete) and will have two For electric power generation, each on both sides Drainage channels. Two power stations, Left and right, will contain all Them on the 8 × 350 MW of Francis turbines and generators. [7] To support the dam reservoir would be the length of 5 Km (3 miles), and 50 meters (164 feet) High saddle dam. [8] and Cisa tank Dam to the size of 603 billion m3 of water. [9] Cost and Financing The Ethiopian government announced that it intends to Full funding for the cost of the dam itself. The Issued bonds targeted Ethiopians in The country and abroad for this purpose. [10] Turbines and electrical equipment Associated power stations Hydroelectric cost about 1.8 billion USD is said that the funding will be By Chinese banks. This would Leaving US $ 3 billion is Funded by the Ethiopian government and Through other means. [11] The cost of Construction by $ 4.8 billion, This apparently excluding the cost of lines Power transmission, and it is compatible with Less than 15% of the output of the local Ethiopia Total of $ 41.906 in 2012. Construction Renaissance Dam and surrounding facilities. Will be the main contractor for the project Salini is the Italian company, which Also served as the main contractor Dams Gelgel 1, 2 Gelgel, Gelgel 3, And Tana and .Beles Bilis is expected to Consume 10 million metric tons of Concrete, [12] The government has pledged to Using only locally produced concrete. In March 2012, awarded Salini Italian company Tratos enough Spa A contract for the supply of low and high cable Effort to fill. [13] and will Cherkholstom Provide eight 375 MW of Francis turbines for the first phase of The project, at a cost of 250 million euros. [14] As of April 2013, has been Closing than approximately 20% of completion Project. The dig site and still casting Concrete underway. Has been completed Installation of concrete and no other station under Construction. [15] has also been completed conversion Blue Nile on May 28, 2013 The ceremony was marked by a day Himself. [16] Benefits Renaissance tank There are significant benefits of the dam and because the production Hydropower. Electricity that is Produced by the power plant Hydropower is then sold to Ethiopia and Neighboring countries including Sudan Perhaps Egypt. And for the sale of electricity from the dam Will require the construction of a huge transmission lines Will consist consumption centers and the loss of energy Such as the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and The Sudanese capital, Khartoum, and both More than 400 km from the dam is located. These Sales generated by the dam would Come on top of power plants Are expected to be sold for other Large hydroelectric power plants Is also under construction in Ethiopia, such as Gelgel pocket 3. Filling Water Capacity factor planned = The expected production of electricity divided by the Potential production. If a station Power permanently at full capacity Will represent only 33% compared to 60-45% From other power plants Small hydro, in Ethiopia. Critics say that small dams Be more cost-effective. [17] Environmental and social impacts Renaissance tank It seems that some forms of environmental studies Recombination has been out since the newspapers reported that International committee may have an environmental study in 2012. Non-governmental organizations International has commissioned local researcher to conduct Visit field due to the lack of information Available. [18] Public consultation on the dam affected In Ethiopia, according to the political climate in The country. International Rivers reports that Talks with civil society groups In Ethiopia indicate that the sector plans Energy in government is fraught Very risky, and there are fears Legitimate government of persecution. Because of this political climate, there are no Groups actively seeking to track issues Surrounding hydroelectric dams, Not publicly raise concerns about risks. . In this case, it may have been organized A public consultation is very limited and is Enough during the implementation of large dams. [19] In June 2011, he was jailed Ethiopian journalist Reut Alemu Reeyot after he raised questions about the Grand Millennium Dam proposal. Has received Rivers staff threats Death. . In the meantime, the President called The late Meles Zenawi opponents Project hydropower extremists and He pointed to the offender in Conference International Association of hydropower (IHA) in Addis Ababa in April 2011. At the conference, embraced Ethiopia and the organization stated that the authority The state is sustainability partner. [20] The impact on Ethiopia Since the Blue Nile is a seasonal river Too, the dam will reduce the flood, Including 40 km from inside Ethiopia. On the one hand, the dam will limit the Flood is useful because it protects Settlements from the damage caused by Floods. But on the other hand, the Dam can be harmful, if reduce The proportion of agriculture because of receding floods In the valley of the river to the mouth, and thus Deprive the fields of water. Dam also Can serve as a bridge across the River Blue Nile, and the completed bridge Was under construction in 2009 Course of the river. [21] The independent assessment estimated At least 5,110 people will be Resettled and relocated from the reservoir area The area downstream Down Stream, Is also expected to lead to the dam A significant change in fisheries. [18] According to independent researcher conducted research in The area where the dam is being built, will be The transfer of 20,000 people. According to the same Source, there is a plan for the transfer of those who Were taken, were resettled, and give them More than expected in compensation did not .. Preceded by the local population that the dam Rooa Prior to that, and they are not sure what is Dam In fact, in spite of Community meetings were informed Affected her about the effects of the dam on the Livelihoods. With the exception of a few The elderly, and interviews with nearly All the locals They all The hope that the project brings something Benefits from them in terms of education Health services or electricity supply On the basis of the information available Them. At least, some communities New for those will be transferred In an appropriate and far from the zone Tank and a buffer zone distance of 5 km And to combat malaria, which will not be Suitable accommodation. It also will take into consideration Some areas measure to combat erosion upstream At least in order to reduce erosion And siltation tank. [22] The impact on Sudan and Egypt The precise impact of the dam at the downstream states Is unknown. Egypt fears of decline Temporary water availability due to the filling Reservoir and permanent decline due to evaporation of Water tank. About the size of the tank Is equivalent to the annual flow of the Nile River On the Sudanese-Egyptian border (65.5 billion cubic meters). From This loss is likely to spread to Downstream states over several years. He was reportedly motion can fill the tank Lose from 11 to 19 billion cubic meters Of water per year, which will cause the The loss of two million farmer income through Period of filling the tank. It also alleges, It will affect the supply of electricity in Egypt increased by 25% to 40%, in While being currently building the dam. [23] Hydropower accounts in fact Less than 12 percent of the total production Electricity in Egypt in 2010 (14 out of 121 billion kilowatt Per hour) [24] so that it will happen Temporary reduction of production by 25% Hydropower and will translate into A temporary reduction in the production of electricity Egypts total is less than what .% 3 Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam can Also lead to a permanent reduction in The water level in Lake Nasser, if Flood storage instead in Ethiopia. This would reduce evaporation Present for more than 10 billion cubic meters Per year, but it would also be Reduces the ability of the Aswan High Dam For the production of hydroelectric power for up value Loss of 100 MW due to low The water level of the dam by 15:00. Dam will retain silt. And therefore it Will increase the life span and take advantage of Dams in Sudan - such as dam Roseires and Sennar Dam and Merowe Dam - And the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The Beneficial and harmful effects to control Floods affect the Sudanese part Blue Nile, just as would affect On the Ethiopian part of the Blue Nile To the mouth of the dam. [25] Feedback: Cooperation and conviction Egypt has serious concerns about the project So he asked for the examination and inspection Design and dam studies, in order to calm Concerns, but Ethiopia has denied this Request unless waive Egypt veto Water distribution. [26] After a meeting between Water ministers of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia in March 2012, the President said Sudans al-Bashir that he supported the construction of the dam. [27] have been signed on the Nile Treaty Signed by the upper riparian states In 2010, but the cooperation agreement Framework, was not signed by Egypt or Sudan, because it violates treaty 1959, which gives exclusive rights Sudan and Egypt in the Nile waters. [28] But provide the framework of the Nile Basin Initiative For dialogue among all Nile Basin countries. Established Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan Commission International experts to review and assess Reports a study of the dam. The Committee is composed of 10 members; 6 experts from the three countries and 4 International experts in the fields of resources Aquatic and hydrological modeling, Engineering and dams and social Economic, and environmental [25] and the contract Team its fourth meeting in Addis Ababa In November 2012. The reviewed documents About the environmental impact of the dam and visited The dam site. [29] have presented their report The initial to the governments concerned in the end May 2013. Although the The full report has not been presented publicly, and will not Be until it is reviewed by Governments Egypt and Ethiopia and the inclusion of both Release details. The government said Ethiopian that, according to the report, the design The dam is based on the standards and principles International without naming those standards And principles. She also said that the dam offers High interest to all three countries will Cause great harm to both countries Riparian. [30] According to the Government Egyptian, the report recommended change And modifying the dimensions and size of the dam. [31] On June 3, 2013, while discussing The report of the international team of experts with Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, Political leaders suggested in Egypt Ways to destroy the dam, including support Anti-government rebels. [32] [33] without the knowledge of those at the meeting, the transfer Discussion on the air. [34] Ethiopia asked the Egyptian ambassador to explain Meeting. [35] Senior Assistant to apologize Morsis embarrassment unintended
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:13:54 +0000

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