Last month Craig Adams posted this statement as a comment in - TopicsExpress


Last month Craig Adams posted this statement as a comment in response to J. Steven Svobodas (Executive Director for the group Attorneys for the Rights of the Child) article in the National Post, The Perils of Circumcision. I was circumcised at birth at Holy Name Hospital in Teaneck, NJ in 1974 by David E. Landers. I have the bill. The surgery cost $25. My parents were never provided with any information. It was just done they said. It completely injured me -- traumatic meatotomy surgery for meatal stenosis at age 5 and other complications. I lived in denial of what was removed until I became a father to a son this year at age 38. I look at my non-circumcised intact son and see just how much healthy tissue was removed from me. It was child abuse and assault. No doubt about it. What has shocked me is that the NJ hospital where my son was born, Morristown Medical Center, was using sales pressure tactics to sell circumcision. Every day a different nurse asked, Are we circumcising? Every day, I said, No. The last day of our stay, one nurse said to our son, Youre a lucky baby. It wasnt until after I brought my son home and watched a video of the surgery on the Internet and learned about the role of the foreskin, that I learned just how harmful and horrifying the surgery is. Everyone in America needs to see this surgery and trust their feelings. Females are protected by U.S. law against genital cutting. Males, however, are the more vulnerable and sensitive of the two genders and, therefore, deserve the greater degree of protection from traumatic, invasive, injurious, and unnecessary surgery. Boys should be given the same chance as girls to be brought into the world in peace, without being immediately introduced to pain and suffering. Countless men are unhappy that they were deprived of such an intimate part of their body without having had any say in the matter. - J. Steven Svoboda How does a parent know that their son wont be one of these men?
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:29:58 +0000

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