Last month I had a complete melt down in my doctor’s office. I - TopicsExpress


Last month I had a complete melt down in my doctor’s office. I cried uncontrollably to the nurse and again to my doctor because I was exhausted….in every possible way. For the past 2 years I have gone to 5 different doctors searching for answers. My current doctor showed the most promise so for the past 1.5 years we have tried to figure out what was going on with me. Last month I returned again for the same issues- extreme fatigue, constipation, memory loss, excessive weight gain, nausea and GI discomfort. Her initial response was that she believed I had chronic fatigue syndrome, and since there is no cure or way to treat it, she suggested anti-depressants. My husband and I had been praying for answers and we finally reached out to our family, church and loved ones asking others for prayer as well so that I would be pointed in the right direction, ask the right questions and find answers. Everyone was praying for me that day and I had this feeling that I needed to speak up, so I did. I told my doctor, although I understood my blood work read normal, I knew my thyroid was the issue and that I also had food allergies or at least an intolerance to several foods. She said she agreed and instead of anti-depressants, she would be willing to put me on a low dose of levothyroxine sodium and we would reassess in a month. She also suggested I see Dr. Link, a holistic doctor that practices integrative medicine in Jefferson City. She warned me he had a very long wait list but said it would be worth getting on in case things didnt get better. Within the first week of taking the thyroid medication, I could tell a huge difference. I had energy again and was no longer excessively fatigued. My GI discomfort and nausea was still there, but I was happy I could function again. I wasnt satisfied with just being on hypothyroid medication, so my husband and I searched for other doctors and scheduled appointments as soon as possible. Last Monday I got a phone call from Dr. Link’s office. They just so happened to have an opening the next day, only 2 days before my first appointment with the other doctor. I agreed to see him and thought I would see what he had to see/how I liked him and go from there. Nick went with me for moral support (really just to make sure I didnt forget anything because my memory is sub-par these days!) and we left knowing it wasnt a coincidence. Dr. Link was very thorough and set on finding what was causing my symptoms, not trying to treat them. He wanted to test everything from my thyroid, hormones, GI and food allergies as well as have a colonoscopy and endoscopy if needed. He suggested I change my diet, back off of my training a bit and really focus on caring for myself. We eliminated, dairy, artificial sweeteners and peanut butter from my diet for the next 30 days. I had already eliminated AS and rarely ate dairy as I knew it was a trigger and suspected certain grains…but peanut butter?!?!? Ahhhh! Thankfully almond butter is delicious =) My blood work will show if I have an intolerance to them but we agreed it would be best if we went ahead and started this immediately. I have not had any stomach pain or nausea since making these changes on Tuesday, which has allowed me to have an appetite again. I feel pretty darn close to normal right now....the closest Ive felt in years. I will keep you updated on my test results and how my diet changes after the 30 days, but this was too good not to share!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:08:54 +0000

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