Last night A WAVE OF MAGENTIC FREQUENCY BEGAN ENTERING OUR WORLD I BEGAN AN EMAIL. BUT FOUND MYSELF WRITING WITH INSTRUCTIONS, I FOUND MYSELF GUIDING EVERYONE ON WHAT TO DO, SO I DECIDED TO MOVE INTO MEDITATION AND PUT THIS OUT TODAY. When a wave begins, I will simply put out on face book that A MAGENTIC FREQUENCY IS CONNECTING WITH THE EARTH, Meanwhile, here are some guidelines, directions for those interested in connecting with the vortex of magnetic energy. FOR THOSE SENSITIVE ENOUGH, YOU WILL FEEL THE TINGLING IN YOUR CROWN, THIRD EYE, EYES AND NECK Here is a list of what you can do to connect with the energy: invoke a protection prayer which I personally use, “I surround myself with the white light of Truth, Nothing but the truth or that which is of the truth will approach me, For I am a child of god and he shall protect me” If you already have one you like to use, feel free to use your own Ground Yourself Imagine a pencil in the root, spinning clock wise, going faster and faster, then it becomes a red platter, drop it to the ground, let it go thru the ground, down thru the crystal caves, lava until you reach the core of the earth, like an electrical socket, plug it in, bring the energy back up, as you approach your feet, visualize they are moving into the earth, becoming tree trunks, see and feel roots going in all different directions, still bringing the energy of the core back up, bringing it up to the root and connect it with your spine, bring the energy into your spine and connect it with all of the chakra’s. For those who don’t know, here are the chakra’s and colors, remember the chakra’s are in front and behind, the core within your body is your spine, feel, see, in front and behind: Root – Red Sacral – Orange Solar Plexus – Yellow Heart – Emerald Green, pink in the middle Throat – light blue Third eye – Indigo Crown – white or violet PREPARE TO MOVE INTO MEDITATION WITH MUSIC OR A GUIDED MEDITATION, YOU CAN Go to YouTube and pick a few you like, JUST MAKE SURE YOU FEEL SOMETHING INSIDE I use the Binaural Beats and Isochronic Binaural beats They activate the Alpha Theta Delta within the brain. But choose what you want and like, I also like to use nature. https://youtube/watch?v=iqycmJPLmGc https://youtube/watch?v=rc6figNC07o Have a few Crystals picked out, CLEAR, CHARGE AND ACTIVATE THEM PRIOR. BUT RIGHT BEFORE, Request / invoke the crystals to release: STATE: ANY AND ALL ENERGY FROM OTHERS WHICH IS NOT THE ENERGY OF THE CRYSTALS ORIGINAL MATRIX I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE NOW. (hold it for 10 seconds and feel it leave) THEN STATE: “I INVOKE THE ORIGINAL FREQUENCY AND MATRIX, THE ORIGINAL FREQUENCY YOU ONCE CARRIED WITHIN THE EARTH TO RETURN AND EMPOWER YOU TO YOUR ORIGINAL FREQUENCY” ACTIVATE THE PURPOSE YOU WISH FOR THE CRYSTAL, for example, I ACTIVATE YOU TO AWAKEN MY PIENEL GLAND FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD, REMOVING ALL VEILS, ALL BLOCAKGES, FROM ALL WORLDS, ALL GALAXIES, ALL UNIVERSES THROUGH OUT SPACE AND TIME, I REQUEST THIS FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD HOLD THE CRYSTALS AND PLACE ONE AT THE BACK OF YOUR NECK TO RESTORE AND AWAKEN YOUR DNA/RNA RELAX YOURSELF, BREATHE DEEPLY, BREATHE IN LOVE BREATH SLOWLY, BRING AIR/LIFE FORCE INTO YOUR STOMACK, LUNGS, EXPANDING YOUR BACK, BRING IN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN HOLD IT FOR ABOUT 10 SECONDS, LONGER IF YOU CAN EXHALE, IF EXHALING STRESS, FEAR, ANXIETY, FEEL IT LEAVING THRU YOUR BACK INTO THE EARTH TO BE TRANSMUTTED. BEGIN VIZULIZING YOURSELF IN A TEMPLE, PRYAMID, GOLDEN, CREATED OF CRYSTAL OR SEE YOURSELF ON A BEACH, WHITE SAND, SPARKLING, A BEAUTIFUL SUN ABOVE AND A GOLDEN RAY SURROUNDING YOU FEEL IT COMING IN THE COMING IN THE CROWN, CONNECTING WITH THE THIRD EYE, THE BRAIN STEM, FEEL IT MOVING DOWN YOUR SPINE WITH EACH CHAKRA FEEL THE VORTEX OF EACH IN FRONT AND BEHIND YOU BECOME ONE WITH EARTH, WATER, AIR, FIRE (SUN) AND SPIRIT (GALAXY), FEEL IT, SEE IT (IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS VIZUALIZING, FEEL IT WITHIN YOU, IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO FEEL THEN TO SEE, SIGHT, VISIONS WILL COME WITH TIME REPEAT THIS MANTRA 3, 6, 9 TIMES I AM THE I AM I AM THE I AM I AM THE I AM ENJOY I WILL BE CREATING A SPECIAL MEDITATION FOR THESE TIME PERIODS, ANYONE INTERESTED, PLEASELET ME KNOW. LOVE AND LIGHT LISA BELLINI
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 21:07:33 +0000

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