Last night, Desirae finished the last of her chemo for this round. - TopicsExpress


Last night, Desirae finished the last of her chemo for this round. The first night of chemo was a little scary. She had an immediate reaction to the Etoposide about 10 minutes in and it had to be stopped and a large dose of Benadryl was given. From her chest area up, she turned bright red and had patches and blotches of red all over her upper chest, arms, neck and scalp. She started screaming and crying that her ears were burning. This was very scary as shes had this same chemo drug in round 3 and had not had this reaction before. Later that night, they decided to run it after pre-medicating her with Benadryl again and running it over 1/3 of the rate it normally runs, so it would take 6 hours to infuse. The next day, dr changed that chemo to Etoposide Phosphate and she has tolerated that just fine. The next couple days, she battled this round with no problems, happy to be free from isolation this time and frequent visits to the playroom and around the unit, cruising the halls all hours night and day on the tractor and in the cars. Yesterday she had several vomiting episodes and even in between them, when she felt up to it, she still continued to go make the best of her time here. She has some wonderful nurses and she loves all of the staff here. Everyone makes her feel so special and very loved. We will really miss Loma Linda. Since this morning, she hasnt left my bed. Ive held her since the minute she woke up and she has had horrible, horrible nausea and a lot of vomiting in between. I havent even changed out of my clothes I slept in last night. She is getting anti-nausea meds every 2-3 hours but this Cisplatin is just awful on her body. Her awesome nurse brought her saltine crackers and apple juice and a lollipop for her. She really liked the crackers and apple juice. That was the most shes eaten in a couple days. No appetite and no bowel movements yet. I would like to ask you to pray for these symptoms of hers to subside quickly so that she can begin to have somewhat of an appetite and then a very necessary bowel movement so that we can go home for the next couple weeks until we leave for New York. Thank you all for your continued prayers for Desi. Prayers are what she needs right at this moment.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:39:46 +0000

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