Last night, I attempted to answer Foundation For Human Rights - TopicsExpress


Last night, I attempted to answer Foundation For Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) executive directors question, Vincent who do you think you are. I gave less than 10 percent of the answer and I dont want to ris failing. I was born in an elite family IN BITEREKO of the late Fabian Bifabusha and Susanna Kirakwende. My mother Maria Tusingwire (she was called Katahikire at birth because she was born prematurely but she later discarded that name and renamed herself Tusingwire which means we are successful, prosperous and progressive) gave birth to me at a tender age of 17. My father Silas Nkundeki (RIP) hailed from Kanyabwanga Sub-county which was carved out of Bitereko after I had been born. My paternal grandfather Fransisko Ruhindi and his wife Veronica Bakeine were the elites of Nyandago, Ruceence Kanyabwanga. At least apart from Augustino Tibahurira Kashaijakana, Sebuhinja and Majari, nobody had more cows than us in and around Nyandago, Bwera and Rwempungu. Francis Ruhindi, and Africanno Mizerero the grandfather to Ahabwe Brian Kakuru, Ashaba Susan, Ahebwa Brenda Nyakato, Evelyn Asiimwe and Geoffrey were arguably the leading enlightened people of their age in the entire Ruceence County. The reason was because they had invested in their children education. Uncle Bakeine, Brians paternal uncle was the first person to get a university degree in greater Bitereko, Brians father and mother Salongo and Nalongo Otafiire are still paragons of virtue and excellence. Before HIV/AIDS hit us like a storm, in terms of liquid cash, the Ruhindi family had the largest amount. Theophillus Muhangi, and Emmanuel Rwamacumu were the richest people in their age bracket at least in the whole of Kanyabwanga - I may be wrong. I grew up in the safest hands of the most informed people. My maternal uncle James Ruremire who loved me and my mother dearly was one of the most brilliant people in Uganda. He was a medical practitioner. We had a library bigger than the one of FHRI stocked with philosophy, political science, sociology, religion, literature, history, biology, chemistry and all sorts of books. I read the bible both in English and Runyankore-Rukiga from genesis to revelation while still at home. I read virtually all the books of Benedicto Mubangizi, all the Abagyenda Bareeba books, Eirwariro rya Rwango, Rwakyekoreire Buhano, etc. I read all the hare series. I read and read and read. I read every thing and I am fairly well informed about everything I read. I read all the catechism of the Catholic Church. I read all the literature about the Xaverian Movement. I read literature on legion of Mary. What did I not read? I dont know. We had swahili books, french books, luganda books although I never enjoyed them. How many books have Sewanyanas children read? I really dont know. Penny Mbabazi Atuhaire and Elizabeth Nantamu please tell that man that he is playing with fire. I never grew up in poverty. We had what to sell. Even when I was in Primary One we had fruits - Marwa (fruits whose juice tastes like banana juice. I dont know how they are called in English but they almost look like peers), fene (jack fruits), guavas, encerere and all sorts of rare fruits were to be found in Susannas home. We had the best home ever and Uncle Deo Kamugisha would load all his maize and waragi from our home. The environment was very good. At a time when virtually all people were sleeping in mud and wattle grass thatched huts, we had two good homes iron sheet roofed with concrete and cement. We never witnessed poverty as children. But we had morals of hard work, of humility and honesty instilled in us. That is why after our bread winner James Ruremire was brutally murdered in 1985 by the UPC we had to soldier on. I have written about poverty on my blog. I point out the three Ms of poverty. These are moral poverty, mental poverty and material poverty. Mental and moral are the worst forms of poverty. Material poverty is just transient. Anyone can hit a jackpot and jump pout of material poverty. People like Sewanyana were born poor, were socialised poorly, formatted poorly and will die poor. Some of have never been bakoopi and we will never be. Thats why we dont value money in every thing we do. I made my own money even when I was a student in O level. I had the highest number of pigs around Bitereko. I brewed Tonto and distilled waragi. I ran a retail shop all in search of money which I was getting and was sure I would get more if I stayed out of school. But when I had money I had no peace for I had dropped out of school. Practically, I did O LEVEL for only one year - third term 1995 to third term 1996. I never read for I would invariably accompany Happiness from Kigarama SS up to Rwempungu everyday. But I never failed. I also sat Geography and history while sick. My Dad Henry Rukundo can attest to this. Nobody in our class got better grades than I. I championed Kigarama Freedom Fighters class which liberated Kigarama SSS students politically to date. While at campus I had seven leadership positions. I was Gen Sec (prime minister) for the entire non-resident community and I was elected while in year one beating very many continuing students. I was sec gen for Pan African Universities Students Union (PAUSU). Myself, comrades Rukidi Mpuuga, Doreen Namara Karokora, Richard Muhumuza were the key pillars. I represented all the social sciences students from 2002-2004 including CRISPY KAHERU now COORDINATOR for CCEDU on the faculty board and my colleagues were professors. I was political editor of the Makererean Newspaper in 2003/2004. I was secretary students union for UYD, I was at the same time western region coordinator for UYD. I was elected at a national level to represent western Uganda on the UYD NEC and CEC and foundation for human rights initiative board member Celestine Otatiina Mugisha can give testimony. I was treasurer Mak University International Relations and Diplomatic Studies Association. I was PRO for Makerere University Academic Platform under the guild academic affairs minister Chebet Chemisto. While doing masters I was on the human rights association executive that was headed by Sunday Kabeera Francis who is now a police officer. I was constitutional affairs minister for Council of Graduate Studies headed then by my brother Tom Ogwang. Hon Monica Amoding can attest to that. I first became friends with Hon Gerald K Karuhanga, Hon Gerald Karuhanga while he was still in S.5 at St Marys College Kisuubi and in 2002 he had to specifically come looking for me when I was a key official hadnling money during the CODESRIA General Assembly that was brought to Kampala to honour Prof Mahmood Mamdani. I have saved so many people from jails and mental hospitals. Key among them is Sarah Miraji that I rescued from Jinja Road Police station cells where she had spent six months and Gaudence Tushabomwe who I rescued from Butabika where she was dumped after the thugs connected to the regime stole her 25 million shillings. In all human rights work I have done, nobody has ever paid me a coin. While at Makerere, I tirelessly fought for the welfare of students. Not that I was poor myself. I had all I wanted as a student - good phones, some money on my account and the brains. And by the way, I have never lost any genuine election.My GRC position for Lumumba was sold to Stephen Sebulime by the crooked speaker Kayitale who was the returning officer for Lumumba. I sat the UONGOZI interviews, passed very well and was selected. But when the number dropped from 12 to eight, someone told me I am busy dealing with the PS to get you passports, Nuwagaba supports Reform Agenda. I was dropped on basically two grounds - I was anti-NRM and two I was speacialiosing in public administration and public administration specialists were in charge. Should I tell you that before the Pan African Movement Uganda chapter was swallowed into confusion, I was the general secretary for PAM - Uganda. Livingstone Sewanyana tell us what you have done in the past 22 years you have headed FHRI. People say Muwanga who is currently in Canada still tells them you stole the organisation that had started as Uganda Human Rights Activists from him before you turned it into FHRI. I will also tell the public how you fought in a native manner to have JK Zirabamuzaale withdraw from the race to head HURINET board when it had started. I am very knowledgeable my boss. Finally, for now, had it not been me in 2010 beginning of the year meetings, you wanted to deny all the female FHRI staff their maternity leave. At least you tabled it and I told you boldly that it was illegal. Post here your statement.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 09:15:47 +0000

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