Last night, I competed in the Toast Masters Area Contest - TopicsExpress


Last night, I competed in the Toast Masters Area Contest representing my club from Sherman Oaks. My 7 minute speech was titled; Standing Tall. I talked about my experience growing up being tall, how I learned how to stand tall letting my true self shine, and how others can be inspired to Stand Tall in their lives too. As some of you know, I have been working tirelessly on this speech for the past couple months. Draft, after draft, (57 to be exact) fine tuning and reworking the speech. Then hours and hours of practicing my humor, vocal variety, body language, pacing, pausing, eye contact, and flow. Woah! I have never worked this hard on a performance that was not piano related. It was fun, felt great and I really enjoyed watching my own progress as I stepped into being a public speaker! After all my work, last night I felt ready to blow the roof off with my speech. I drew a 6 from the deck, which meant I would be going last after seeing the other five speakers ahead of me - great position! Then I was on. I was calm, not nervous at all, and very present. The 100 person crowd was attentive, they laughed, they clapped and they went on the journey with me; that same familiar way that I have brought many an audience with me while tinkling the ivories, but this time with no piano, just me! AND I HAD FUN!!!! In the end, it was not meant to be. I did not win. The judges apparently enjoyed at least two other speeches above mine. An older gentleman in a motor-chair talking about his back pain over the years won 1st place. 2nd place was a woman who spoke about her abusive father growing up and how she and her mom finally left. I found out afterwards that one disadvantage I may have had was being a rookie. Apparently being a member for 20+ years is a HUGE advantage in getting voted on to the next round. The important part for me was that I did the best I could. I cant think of how my speech could have been any better at this point in my development and experience. I feel proud of the work and performance I gave. And the feedback I got from almost everyone in the room was that they thoroughly enjoyed my speech, thought I had a very powerful, uplifting message, and wished me the best in my future speaking career! Yes, thats right. I am not quitting now, no way! I may not be going on to the Division Contest in April, but I plan to give it another shot next year. And who knows what other speaking opportunities will open up to me now. Thank you to all my friends who listened to me practice over the past month. And thank you to the many who also helped me develop my speech: Matt Weinglass, Andres Lopez Uribe, Shanna Gillette, Dax Berg, Rachael Lansdown, Teresa TRex Mercsak and Franck Bensoussan. And my fellow Toast Masters for all of your help and support: Denise Leeds, Marcia Bruce Bush, Peter Harrison. And an extra special thanks to Kim Weinglass and Melody for tolerating 100+ rehearsals! ;) I am a better speaker and a better man from this experience! Much Gratitude!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:59:02 +0000

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